University Of Pune Question Paper
B. C. A. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Attempt any four : [4x4=16]
(a) What is Attribute ? Explain any 2 types of Attribute with
(b) Explain the Deletion Operation of B+ Tree.
(c) List capabilities of good DBMS. Explain any two of them.
(d) Explain Sparse Indexing.
(e) What is Relational Algebra ? List out the Relational Algebra
Operations with its example.
Q.2) Attempt any four : [4x4=16]
(a) What is File ? Explain File Structure.
(b) State different types of relationships that can exist between entity
sets with suitable example.
(c) What is DDL and DML ? Explain any one DDL Commands
with example.
(d) What is Normalization ? Explain its types.
(e) Differentiate between Generalization and Specialization.
[4373]-204 1 P.T.O.
Q.3) Attempt any four : [4x4=16]
(a) Enlist various users of DBMS and specify their roles.
(b) What is Data Independence ? Explain its types.
(c) Explain Logical and Physical Files.
(d) Define the terms :
(i) Tuple
(ii) Super Key
(iii) Weak Entity
(iv) Domain
(e) Explain Hierarchical Model with example.
Q.4) Attempt the following : [16]
Consider the following entities and their relationship :
Movie (mvno, mvname, releaseyear)
Actor (actno, actname)
Movie and Actor are related with many to many relationship.
Create a RDB in 3NF and solve the following queries by using SQL :
(Any Five)
(a) Insert a row in Actor table.
(b) Display all actor details of movie ‘Dabang’.
(c) Count all the movie names released in the year 2000.
(d) Add ‘actorage’ column to Actor table.
(e) Display all movies of actor ‘Salman Khan’.
(f) Change the actor name from ‘Ranbir’ to ‘Amir’.
Q.5) Attempt the following :
(a) In a nursery, the plants are sold to the customers. These plants
are flowering and non-flowering only. Nutrients are given to the
plant with some quantity. Nutrients includes pesticides, watering
and manure :
(i) Identify all entities.
(ii) Identify all relations.
(iii) Draw ERD. [08]
[4373]-204 2 Contd.
(b) Consider relational database :
Employee (ename, street, ecity)
Works (ename, cname, salary)
Company (cname, city)
(i) Find the name of the employees who works for “Bank of
(ii) Find the names of cities of all employees who works for
“Corporation Bank”.
(iii) Find the list of employees who work in same city where
they live.
(iv) Find the list of companies from Mumbai City.
(v) Find the list of employees having salary more than 1000.
Write Relational Algebraic Expression for the above.
(Any Four)
B. C. A. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Attempt any four : [4x4=16]
(a) What is Attribute ? Explain any 2 types of Attribute with
(b) Explain the Deletion Operation of B+ Tree.
(c) List capabilities of good DBMS. Explain any two of them.
(d) Explain Sparse Indexing.
(e) What is Relational Algebra ? List out the Relational Algebra
Operations with its example.
Q.2) Attempt any four : [4x4=16]
(a) What is File ? Explain File Structure.
(b) State different types of relationships that can exist between entity
sets with suitable example.
(c) What is DDL and DML ? Explain any one DDL Commands
with example.
(d) What is Normalization ? Explain its types.
(e) Differentiate between Generalization and Specialization.
[4373]-204 1 P.T.O.
Q.3) Attempt any four : [4x4=16]
(a) Enlist various users of DBMS and specify their roles.
(b) What is Data Independence ? Explain its types.
(c) Explain Logical and Physical Files.
(d) Define the terms :
(i) Tuple
(ii) Super Key
(iii) Weak Entity
(iv) Domain
(e) Explain Hierarchical Model with example.
Q.4) Attempt the following : [16]
Consider the following entities and their relationship :
Movie (mvno, mvname, releaseyear)
Actor (actno, actname)
Movie and Actor are related with many to many relationship.
Create a RDB in 3NF and solve the following queries by using SQL :
(Any Five)
(a) Insert a row in Actor table.
(b) Display all actor details of movie ‘Dabang’.
(c) Count all the movie names released in the year 2000.
(d) Add ‘actorage’ column to Actor table.
(e) Display all movies of actor ‘Salman Khan’.
(f) Change the actor name from ‘Ranbir’ to ‘Amir’.
Q.5) Attempt the following :
(a) In a nursery, the plants are sold to the customers. These plants
are flowering and non-flowering only. Nutrients are given to the
plant with some quantity. Nutrients includes pesticides, watering
and manure :
(i) Identify all entities.
(ii) Identify all relations.
(iii) Draw ERD. [08]
[4373]-204 2 Contd.
(b) Consider relational database :
Employee (ename, street, ecity)
Works (ename, cname, salary)
Company (cname, city)
(i) Find the name of the employees who works for “Bank of
(ii) Find the names of cities of all employees who works for
“Corporation Bank”.
(iii) Find the list of employees who work in same city where
they live.
(iv) Find the list of companies from Mumbai City.
(v) Find the list of employees having salary more than 1000.
Write Relational Algebraic Expression for the above.
(Any Four)
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