University Of Pune Question Paper
B. B. A. ( Semester - VI ) Examination - 2013
(Specialisation - IV : Human Resource Management)
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions :
(1) Case No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any two Cases from Nos. 2 to 4.
(3) Figures to the rights indicate full marks.
Case No. 1 : [20]
Dr. Vibhu was the Director of Swami Institute of Management, Pune.
During his fifteen years with the Institute, he had guided many
Lecturers and encouraged their development, only to see them leave
the Institute after they had got their Ph.D.. The Society had a liberal
policy of educational reimbursement (75 per cent tuition costs, books
and paid study leave for 1 year). Many Lectures took advantage of
these educational opportunities.
Ms. Gauri, one of the Senior Lecturer and Dean came to see her
Director, Dr. Vibhu, who congratulated Ms. Gauri for obtaining her
Doctorate in Management, which she received through the assistance
of the society's educational programme. Ms. Gauri, to the surprise of
Dr. Vibhu, said that she was leaving the college to join competitor'
Institute because she did not see any opportunity for advancement
in the existing Institute. Dr. Vibhu was furious because this had
happened several times before. He immediately went to see the
Founder President of Society Dr. Ved and complained about the
educational reimbursement policy and the lack of systems approach
to staffing.
[4372]-612 1 P.T.O.
What might be the reason that the Lecturers left after receiving their
higher degree through educational reimbursement ?
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case in detail and give suitable title.
(b) If you were the in place of Founder President Dr. Ved, what
would you do ?
(c) How can the lecturer turnover be prevented ?
Case No. 2 : [15]
Yummy Foods Ltd. is a food processing unit with 22 workers. Earlier
the company had its own sweeper Nitin, who maintained the cleanliness
of the entire company including that of the toilets. Nitin resigned for
personal reasons and in a hurry the personnel officer employed a new
sweeper Prasad who worked diligently. But the day Prasad was asked
to clean the toilets, he refused to do so. He said he was prepared
to do any cleaning work except cleaning of the toilets. In the
meanwhile, Prasad had joined the Sangharsh Employee Union.
The Personnel Officer Mr. Raut called the union leader Mr. Ankush
for discussion on the problem to resolve the bottleneck. The union
leader Mr. Ankush contended that Prasad is appointed as a 'sweeper'
and not a 'wet sweeper'. While joining work, Prasad was not told that
he would have to clean toilets. He was a diligent worker, but he was
not prepared to do work like cleaning toilets. The management was
asked to employ another 'wet sweeper' only for cleaning the toilets.
The union was threatening to call a strike, if there is no settlement
of the dispute.
The management contended that hygiene is very important in the food
processing industry. The earlier sweeper Nitin had done all the work
including cleaning toilets. Employing an additional 'wet sweeper' was
beyond the financial capacity of the company and anyway there was
no enough work to be given to him throughout the day.
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case and give the suitable title for the case.
(b) What is the way out of the current bottleneck ?
[4372]-612 2 Contd.
Case No. 3 : [15]
A few years ago, I had an opportunity to interview an undergraduate
stenographer, then employed as a P.A. to a Technical Director. His
ambition was to become a Company Secretary in reputed organisation.
His salary expectation was around Rs. 1,00,000 p.m. at the age of
35 years.
I found during the discussion that -
(i) His financial position was average,
(ii) He was staying with his married brother, who had three children
and only two rooms,
(iii) He had a father and mother who were regularly sent financial
assistance, and
(iv) His work of typing and attending a Director was exhaust in him
and at times unnerving him.
On the other side -
(i) He was very hard working,
(ii) Evening colleges had started then where he could resume his
(iii) His factory timings were such that he could take advantage of
college facilities, and
(iv) He had a senior officer who was not only enlightened but also
Within two spears, he graduated with Economics and then did his
Commerce Degree Course followed by a Law Degree in another couple
of years. He purposed specialized in general subjects like Economics,
Accounts and Law, so that he could take up an administrative job
and preferably secretarial work. He found that he did not have enough
opportunities in the organisation which gave him all the facilities,
enlightenment and encouragement to come up in life as a successful
man. He reluctantly left the organisation and took up the post of an
assistant in a pharmaceutical company where he is now a Manager.
[4372]-612 3 P.T.O.
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case in detail and give suitable title.
(b) How does he react to his opportunities and difficulties ?
(c) What is the ultimate secret of his success ?
Case No. 4 : [15]
Mr. Patole is a Branch Manager of 'Janata Co-operative Bank Ltd.'
at one of its village branches. His staff includes two clerks and one
attender. Very often, Mr. Patole was left alone in the Bank after 5
p.m. to tally accounts, daybooks and complete all other formalities.
On 30 December, Mr. Patole was working till past 2 a.m. tallying
the accounts, since hardly one day was left for closing the accounts
for the year.
On this fateful night, the Branch Manager was attacked by a band
of robbers, who looted the bank after brutally wounding Mr. Patole
right hand, which had to be amputated, later. After his recovery, the
Branch Manager applied for compensation. The Bank Management
was of the opinion that Mr. Patole violated the job specifications by
working beyond the stipulated hours of work. He, in its view, was
not entitled to any compensation as the accident occurred during nonemployment
hours. They also called for an explanation as to why the
amount lost cannot be recovered from his salary and the provident
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case with suitable title.
(b) How do you justify the bank's stand in this case ?
(c) What modifications do you suggest in job description to
overcome such incidents in future ?
B. B. A. ( Semester - VI ) Examination - 2013
(Specialisation - IV : Human Resource Management)
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions :
(1) Case No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any two Cases from Nos. 2 to 4.
(3) Figures to the rights indicate full marks.
Case No. 1 : [20]
Dr. Vibhu was the Director of Swami Institute of Management, Pune.
During his fifteen years with the Institute, he had guided many
Lecturers and encouraged their development, only to see them leave
the Institute after they had got their Ph.D.. The Society had a liberal
policy of educational reimbursement (75 per cent tuition costs, books
and paid study leave for 1 year). Many Lectures took advantage of
these educational opportunities.
Ms. Gauri, one of the Senior Lecturer and Dean came to see her
Director, Dr. Vibhu, who congratulated Ms. Gauri for obtaining her
Doctorate in Management, which she received through the assistance
of the society's educational programme. Ms. Gauri, to the surprise of
Dr. Vibhu, said that she was leaving the college to join competitor'
Institute because she did not see any opportunity for advancement
in the existing Institute. Dr. Vibhu was furious because this had
happened several times before. He immediately went to see the
Founder President of Society Dr. Ved and complained about the
educational reimbursement policy and the lack of systems approach
to staffing.
[4372]-612 1 P.T.O.
What might be the reason that the Lecturers left after receiving their
higher degree through educational reimbursement ?
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case in detail and give suitable title.
(b) If you were the in place of Founder President Dr. Ved, what
would you do ?
(c) How can the lecturer turnover be prevented ?
Case No. 2 : [15]
Yummy Foods Ltd. is a food processing unit with 22 workers. Earlier
the company had its own sweeper Nitin, who maintained the cleanliness
of the entire company including that of the toilets. Nitin resigned for
personal reasons and in a hurry the personnel officer employed a new
sweeper Prasad who worked diligently. But the day Prasad was asked
to clean the toilets, he refused to do so. He said he was prepared
to do any cleaning work except cleaning of the toilets. In the
meanwhile, Prasad had joined the Sangharsh Employee Union.
The Personnel Officer Mr. Raut called the union leader Mr. Ankush
for discussion on the problem to resolve the bottleneck. The union
leader Mr. Ankush contended that Prasad is appointed as a 'sweeper'
and not a 'wet sweeper'. While joining work, Prasad was not told that
he would have to clean toilets. He was a diligent worker, but he was
not prepared to do work like cleaning toilets. The management was
asked to employ another 'wet sweeper' only for cleaning the toilets.
The union was threatening to call a strike, if there is no settlement
of the dispute.
The management contended that hygiene is very important in the food
processing industry. The earlier sweeper Nitin had done all the work
including cleaning toilets. Employing an additional 'wet sweeper' was
beyond the financial capacity of the company and anyway there was
no enough work to be given to him throughout the day.
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case and give the suitable title for the case.
(b) What is the way out of the current bottleneck ?
[4372]-612 2 Contd.
Case No. 3 : [15]
A few years ago, I had an opportunity to interview an undergraduate
stenographer, then employed as a P.A. to a Technical Director. His
ambition was to become a Company Secretary in reputed organisation.
His salary expectation was around Rs. 1,00,000 p.m. at the age of
35 years.
I found during the discussion that -
(i) His financial position was average,
(ii) He was staying with his married brother, who had three children
and only two rooms,
(iii) He had a father and mother who were regularly sent financial
assistance, and
(iv) His work of typing and attending a Director was exhaust in him
and at times unnerving him.
On the other side -
(i) He was very hard working,
(ii) Evening colleges had started then where he could resume his
(iii) His factory timings were such that he could take advantage of
college facilities, and
(iv) He had a senior officer who was not only enlightened but also
Within two spears, he graduated with Economics and then did his
Commerce Degree Course followed by a Law Degree in another couple
of years. He purposed specialized in general subjects like Economics,
Accounts and Law, so that he could take up an administrative job
and preferably secretarial work. He found that he did not have enough
opportunities in the organisation which gave him all the facilities,
enlightenment and encouragement to come up in life as a successful
man. He reluctantly left the organisation and took up the post of an
assistant in a pharmaceutical company where he is now a Manager.
[4372]-612 3 P.T.O.
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case in detail and give suitable title.
(b) How does he react to his opportunities and difficulties ?
(c) What is the ultimate secret of his success ?
Case No. 4 : [15]
Mr. Patole is a Branch Manager of 'Janata Co-operative Bank Ltd.'
at one of its village branches. His staff includes two clerks and one
attender. Very often, Mr. Patole was left alone in the Bank after 5
p.m. to tally accounts, daybooks and complete all other formalities.
On 30 December, Mr. Patole was working till past 2 a.m. tallying
the accounts, since hardly one day was left for closing the accounts
for the year.
On this fateful night, the Branch Manager was attacked by a band
of robbers, who looted the bank after brutally wounding Mr. Patole
right hand, which had to be amputated, later. After his recovery, the
Branch Manager applied for compensation. The Bank Management
was of the opinion that Mr. Patole violated the job specifications by
working beyond the stipulated hours of work. He, in its view, was
not entitled to any compensation as the accident occurred during nonemployment
hours. They also called for an explanation as to why the
amount lost cannot be recovered from his salary and the provident
Questions :
(a) Analyse the case with suitable title.
(b) How do you justify the bank's stand in this case ?
(c) What modifications do you suggest in job description to
overcome such incidents in future ?
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