Sunday, November 22, 2015

2013 Question Paper,Third Year B. Pharmacy,University Of Pune Question Paper,3.2 : PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY

University Of Pune Question Paper
Third Year B. Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks :80
Instructions : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in
separate answer books.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) All questions are compulsory.
1. Enlist direct and indirect gene transfer methods. Describe the use of
Agrobacterium and Ti Plasmid as a gene vector. 10
Describe Protoplast culture technique. Explain Protoplast isolation and protoplast
2. Attempt any five : 15
a) Types and role of restriction endonucleases
b) Alkaline phosphatase in gene cloning as modifying enzyme.
c) What are linkers and adaptors ?
d) Write in short about Plasmid.
e) Give an account of Blood plasma and serum in animal cell culture media.
f) Write role S1 nuclease and DNA polymerase enzyme.
g) Differentiate between callus and suspension culture.
3. Write note on any three : 15
a) Human Gene therapy
b) Blotting technique
c) Gene synthesis
d) PCR
e) Crayopreservation
[4355] – 302
4. What is hybridoma technology ? Write method of production and applications of
monoclonal antibodies. 10
Explain in detail production, product recovery and application of Penicillin.
5. Attempt any five : 15
b) Immobilization of Enzymes
c) In-vitro fertilization
d) Significance of aeration in fermentation
e) RIA
f) Freezing germ cell
g) Production of dextran
6. Write note on any three : 15
a) Methods of Purification toxicity of biotechnological product
b) Synthesis of human insulin
c) Types of vaccines
d) Social and ethical issues of Biotechnology
e) Somatotropin production by rDNA
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