University Of Pune Question Paper
First Year B.Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(Old Course) (2004 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Note :1) Question No. 1 and 5 are compulsory.
2) Out of remaining attempt any two questions from Section – I and
any two questions from Section – II
3) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books.
4) Figures to right indicate full marks.
I. a) Define evaluation of crude drug. Describe in detail Physical evaluation. 6
b) Write a note on Stomata. 4
II. a) Give the advantages of the cultivation of crude drugs and explain the factors
affecting the cultivation of medicinal plants. 8
b) Describe the morphology and anatomy of Roots. 7
III. a) Explain different types of propagation of crude drugs with their merits and
demerits. 8
b) Discuss different types of classification of crude drugs. 7
IV. Write short notes (any three) : 15
i) Gum Acacia
ii) Fundamental tissue system
iii) Differentiate between Organized and Unorganized crude drugs
iv) Extractive values.
V. a) Explain the significance of Ash Value, and Foreign organic matter in
authentication of crude drugs. 6
b) Explain and differentiate between Heart wood and Sap wood. 4
VI. a) Write a note on Ayurveda. 8
b) Explain Bentham and Hooker system of classification. 7
VII. a) Describe different types of Calcium oxalate crystals with their identification
tests. 9
b) Add a exhaustive note on Trichomes. 6
VIII.Write short notes (any three) : 15
a) Gibberlins
b) Chemical methods of pest control
c) Pectin
d) Cytokinins.
First Year B.Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(Old Course) (2004 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Note :1) Question No. 1 and 5 are compulsory.
2) Out of remaining attempt any two questions from Section – I and
any two questions from Section – II
3) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books.
4) Figures to right indicate full marks.
I. a) Define evaluation of crude drug. Describe in detail Physical evaluation. 6
b) Write a note on Stomata. 4
II. a) Give the advantages of the cultivation of crude drugs and explain the factors
affecting the cultivation of medicinal plants. 8
b) Describe the morphology and anatomy of Roots. 7
III. a) Explain different types of propagation of crude drugs with their merits and
demerits. 8
b) Discuss different types of classification of crude drugs. 7
IV. Write short notes (any three) : 15
i) Gum Acacia
ii) Fundamental tissue system
iii) Differentiate between Organized and Unorganized crude drugs
iv) Extractive values.
V. a) Explain the significance of Ash Value, and Foreign organic matter in
authentication of crude drugs. 6
b) Explain and differentiate between Heart wood and Sap wood. 4
VI. a) Write a note on Ayurveda. 8
b) Explain Bentham and Hooker system of classification. 7
VII. a) Describe different types of Calcium oxalate crystals with their identification
tests. 9
b) Add a exhaustive note on Trichomes. 6
VIII.Write short notes (any three) : 15
a) Gibberlins
b) Chemical methods of pest control
c) Pectin
d) Cytokinins.
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