Wednesday, November 18, 2015

2014 Question Paper,101 : STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT,University Of Pune Question Paper,M.B.S. (Semester – I)

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2.5 Hours Max. Marks : 50
 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for that question/subquestion.
5) Your answers should be specific and to the point.
6) Support your answers with suitable live examples.
7) Draw neat diagrams and illustrations supportive to your answer.
1. A) Define strategy, strategic management and explain in detail the levels of strategy. 10
B) Define Vision, Mission. What are the characteristics of a good mission statement ? Form
a Vision and Mission statement for a Management Institute. 10
2. A) a) Explain BCG Matrix a portfolio analysis technique with suitable examples. 5
b) Explain concepts of stretch leverage and fit.s. 5
B) Write short notes on :
a) SWOT analysis 5
b) Strategic Advantage Profile (SAP). 5
3. A) What do you understand by retrenchment strategy ? Explain the types of retrenchment
strategy with latest Indian and global examples. 10
B) Explain Generic Competitive Strategies with diagram and suitable examples. 10
4. A) Write short notes on :
a) McKinsey’s 7 S frame works. 5
b) TQM. 5
B) Discuss techniques of operation control and strategic control in strategy evaluation. 10
5. A) Write short notes on :
a) Internet strategy for traditional business. 5
b) People-Planet-Profit. 5
B) Differentiate between Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy. 10
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