Thursday, November 12, 2015

2014 Question Paper,BIOTECHNOLOGY Cell Physiology – II (Old),Solapur University Question Paper,B.Sc. – I (Sem. – II)

Solapur University Question Paper
B.Sc. – I (Sem. – II) Examination, 2014
Cell Physiology – II (Old)
Day and Date : Saturday, 10-5-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Rewrite the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives given below. 10
1) _____________ type of cell signalling controls the behaviour of the organism.
a) Autocrine b) Exocrine
c) Endocrine d) Combinatorial
2) _____________ is act as second messenger during cell signalling.
a) Ca2+ b) Zn2+
c) Cu2+ d) Mn2+
3) In Xenopus embryogenesis, mid-blastula transition is characterized by
activation of _____________ in embryonic cells.
a) Protein synthesis b) Translation
c) Transcription d) Replication
4) In ascidian embryogenesis, yellow cytoplasm is rich in mitochondria which
eventually gives rise to _____________ and muscles.
a) Ectoderm b) Endoderm
c) Mesoderm d) Both a) and b)
5) Cytoplasmic localizations of ___________ may determine the initial differences
between embryonic cells.
a) cell determinants b) cell granules
c) cell inclusions d) cell organelles
6) Microvilli are cytoplasmic processes covered by plasma membrane, which
increase the effective surface area of cell for _____________
a) secretion b) transport
c) absorption d) ultrafiltration
SLR-D – 12 -2- 
7) _____________ are example of communicating junctions.
a) Gap junction b) Tight junction
c) Septate junction d) Belt desmosome
8) The process of ingestion of large sized solid substances by the cell is
known as _____________
a) Pinnocytosis b) Transport
c) Cell drinking d) Phagocytosis
9) _____________ are required for proper localization of proteins in the cell.
a) Localization key b) Sorting signal
c) Bar code d) Localization label
10) Unit membrane model of plasma membrane was proposed by _____________
a) Watson b) Crick
c) Robertson d) Singer and Nicolson
2. Answer the following (any 5) : 10
1) What are receptors ?
2) What is endocytosis ?
3) Define pleuripotency.
4) What are Hemi-desmosomes ?
5) What are cell recognition molecules ?
6) What are gap junctions ?
3. A).Answer the following (any 2) : 6
1) Explain cell determinants with suitable example.
2) Describe types of cell signalling.
3) Describe fluid mosaic model of cell membrane.
B) Describe in detail role of nuclear poses in protein transport. 4
4. Answer the following (any 2) : 10
1) Write an essay on active transport.
2) Explain intracellular compartments.
3) Explain differentiation of cell membrane with suitable examples.
5. Answer the following (any 2) : 10
1) Describe protein trafficking in mitochondria and chloroplast.
2) Write an detailed account on molecular mechanisms of cell differentiation.
3) Explain in detail adhering junctions with suitable example.
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