University Of Pune Question Paper
B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any four from Q. No. 2 – 7.
3) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Define the terms (any five) : 10
a) Foam
b) pH
c) Boiling under pressure
d) Smoking point
e) Density
f) Sanitation
g) Food adulteration.
2. A) Explain concept of HACCP in the catering industry. 5
B) Define cross-contamination. Give any three ways to prevent it. 5
C) Why protective display of food is important ? Give any three ways to display the food
protectively. 5
3. A) List any two spoilage indicators in the following food stuffs : 5
i) Milk
ii) Fenugreek leaves
iii) Fish
iv) Egg
v) Ground nut
B) Explain any two ways to control the growth of micro-organisms in food. Give any two
uses of yeast and one use of mould in food industry. 5
C) Why are additives added to the food ? Explain any three food additives with one example
of each. 5
Explain Direct transmission of disease. Give names of any two intestinal parasites.
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4. A) Discuss ‘Botulism’ on the basis of :
i) Responsible micro-organism 1
ii) Any two foods involved 2
iii) Any one symptom and one preventive measure. 2
B) Explain the importance of hygiene and sanitation in food industry. State any two sanitary
practices to be followed by a food handler. 5
C) Explain any five Non-bacterial Metal Poisoning in food. 5
Why is pest control necessary ? Give any two control measures for each :
i) House flies
ii) Ants.
5. A) Why personal hygiene is necessary ? Write in brief about the importance of protective
clothing. 5
B) Give any three general guidelines for all types of food stuffs. List any four requirements
to store food in a refrigerated storage area. 5
C) Explain any three factors affecting the growth of micro-organisms. State any two
differences between food poisoning and food infection. 5
6. Short notes (any three) : (3×5=15)
A) Importance of rest, recreation and exercise for a food handler.
B) Five natural toxins occurring in food.
C) Food standards in India.
D) Concept of Danger-Zone in catering industry.
7. A) Define undesirable browning reactions in food. Give any three ways to prevent it. 5
B) State S.I unit of Area and Weight. Convert 12 °c to °F. 5
Explain the morphology of Bacteria.
C) Mention the food adulterant and the test to detect them in the following food stuffs : 5
i) Coffee
ii) Milk
iii) Sugar
iv) Ghee
v) Red chilly powder.
B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any four from Q. No. 2 – 7.
3) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Define the terms (any five) : 10
a) Foam
b) pH
c) Boiling under pressure
d) Smoking point
e) Density
f) Sanitation
g) Food adulteration.
2. A) Explain concept of HACCP in the catering industry. 5
B) Define cross-contamination. Give any three ways to prevent it. 5
C) Why protective display of food is important ? Give any three ways to display the food
protectively. 5
3. A) List any two spoilage indicators in the following food stuffs : 5
i) Milk
ii) Fenugreek leaves
iii) Fish
iv) Egg
v) Ground nut
B) Explain any two ways to control the growth of micro-organisms in food. Give any two
uses of yeast and one use of mould in food industry. 5
C) Why are additives added to the food ? Explain any three food additives with one example
of each. 5
Explain Direct transmission of disease. Give names of any two intestinal parasites.
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4. A) Discuss ‘Botulism’ on the basis of :
i) Responsible micro-organism 1
ii) Any two foods involved 2
iii) Any one symptom and one preventive measure. 2
B) Explain the importance of hygiene and sanitation in food industry. State any two sanitary
practices to be followed by a food handler. 5
C) Explain any five Non-bacterial Metal Poisoning in food. 5
Why is pest control necessary ? Give any two control measures for each :
i) House flies
ii) Ants.
5. A) Why personal hygiene is necessary ? Write in brief about the importance of protective
clothing. 5
B) Give any three general guidelines for all types of food stuffs. List any four requirements
to store food in a refrigerated storage area. 5
C) Explain any three factors affecting the growth of micro-organisms. State any two
differences between food poisoning and food infection. 5
6. Short notes (any three) : (3×5=15)
A) Importance of rest, recreation and exercise for a food handler.
B) Five natural toxins occurring in food.
C) Food standards in India.
D) Concept of Danger-Zone in catering industry.
7. A) Define undesirable browning reactions in food. Give any three ways to prevent it. 5
B) State S.I unit of Area and Weight. Convert 12 °c to °F. 5
Explain the morphology of Bacteria.
C) Mention the food adulterant and the test to detect them in the following food stuffs : 5
i) Coffee
ii) Milk
iii) Sugar
iv) Ghee
v) Red chilly powder.
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