Thursday, November 12, 2015

2014 Question Paper,B.Sc. I (Biotechnology) (Semester – II),ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND MICROBIAL TECHNIQUES (New),Solapur University Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
B.Sc. I (Biotechnology) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Paper – II : Microbial Techniques
Day and Date : Saturday, 10-5-2014ursday, 8-11-2012 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.0 p.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.1. Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentences again. 10
1) ________ is used as a nitrogen source and buffering agent in the semisynthetic
nutrient media.
a) Meat extract b) Peptone c) Yeast extract d) NaCl
2) Mannitol salt agar is selectively used for growth of _________ organism.
a) S. aureus b) E. Coli c) S. typhi d) B. subtilis
3) Nitrobacter spp. utilize energy from
a) NO2 b) H2 c) H2S d) Fe2+
4) Gram’s iodine is
a) Iry stain b) IIry stain c) Mordant d) Decolourizing agent
5) Acid-Fast is example of
a) Simple staining b) Positive staining
c) Negative staining d) Differential staining
6) Two log phases are separated by short lag phase is observed in _________
a) normal b) diauxic c) synchronous d) continuous
7) ________ is used as pH indicator in MacConkey’s agar.
a) Bromothymol blue b) Andrade’s indicator
c) Neutral red d) Phenol red
8) ________ is used in ophthalmic preparation as an antimicrobial agent.
a) Mercuric chloride b) Ethylene oxide
c) Copper sulphate d) Silver nitrate
SLR-DN – 52 -2- 
9) Autoclave at 15 lb pressure shows _________ temperature.
a) 121.5°C b) 115° C c) 109° C d) 100° C
10) Glasswares like petriplates and pipettes are mainly sterilized in
a) Autoclave b) Hot air oven c) Tyndallizer d) Pasteurizer
2. Define and explain (any five) of the following. 10
1) Synchronous growth
2) Stain
3) Lyophilization
4) Pasteurisation
5) Pure culture
6) Anaerobic microbes.
3. A) Write short notes (any two). 6
1) Serial dilution technique
2) Differential media
3) Autoclave.
B) Explain growth phases of Bacteria. 4
4. Answer (any two) of the following. 10
1) Explain anaerobic culture methods.
2) Explain pure culture techniques.
3) Explain differential staining techniques.
5. Answer (any two) of the following. 10
1) Explain sterilization using chemical agent.
2) Explain various components and indicators used in microbial nutrient media.
3) Explain in brief selection of microorganisms using chemical, physical and
biological methods.
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