University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
CNO 203 (MKT) : Marketing Management Specialization – IV
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2.30 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for the question/sub-question.
5) Your answers should be specific and to the point.
6) Support your answers with suitable live examples.
7) Draw neat diagrams and illustrations supportive to your answer.
1. A) Explain concept of International Marketing. What are the forces driving International
Marketing and what are the challenges in this field ? 10
B) Discuss the following International market groups – EU, ASEAN, SAFTA, NAFTA. 10
2. A) Write a note on product adaptation vs. product standardization. 10
B) Explain International Trade Product Life Cycle. 10
3. A) What are the major factors to be covered in a price quotation, term of sale and pricing
strategies ? 10
B) Explain the factors affecting International Price Determination. 10
4. A) Discuss International distribution channels with relevant examples. 10
B) Explain the various aspects of International supply management. 10
5. A) One of your friends is willing to export handicrafts from India. Explain to your friends,
export promotion activities undertaken by the organizations/institutions, he should get in
touch with. 10
B) Discuss the challenges of International advertising and measures to overcome.
M.B.S. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
CNO 203 (MKT) : Marketing Management Specialization – IV
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2.30 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for the question/sub-question.
5) Your answers should be specific and to the point.
6) Support your answers with suitable live examples.
7) Draw neat diagrams and illustrations supportive to your answer.
1. A) Explain concept of International Marketing. What are the forces driving International
Marketing and what are the challenges in this field ? 10
B) Discuss the following International market groups – EU, ASEAN, SAFTA, NAFTA. 10
2. A) Write a note on product adaptation vs. product standardization. 10
B) Explain International Trade Product Life Cycle. 10
3. A) What are the major factors to be covered in a price quotation, term of sale and pricing
strategies ? 10
B) Explain the factors affecting International Price Determination. 10
4. A) Discuss International distribution channels with relevant examples. 10
B) Explain the various aspects of International supply management. 10
5. A) One of your friends is willing to export handicrafts from India. Explain to your friends,
export promotion activities undertaken by the organizations/institutions, he should get in
touch with. 10
B) Discuss the challenges of International advertising and measures to overcome.
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