Thursday, November 12, 2015

2014 Question Paper,GEOLOGY (Special Paper – XII),B.Sc. (Part – III) (Semester – V),Solapur University Quetion Paper

Solapur University Quetion Paper
B.Sc. (Part – III) (Semester – V) Examination, 2014
GEOLOGY (Special Paper – XII)
Hydrogeology and Remote Sensing
Day and Date : Tuesday, 15-4-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Write the correct answer from the given options : 10
1) The water level in a well penetrating a confined aquifer is the elevation of
___________ surface.
a) Pegeometric b) Piezometric
c) Geometric d) Hydrometric
2) ______________ has least porosity.
a) Shale b) Basalt c) Sandstone d) Limestone
3) Transmissivity mainly depends on ____________ of aquifer.
a) Length b) Depth
c) Thickness d) None of above
4) Standstone is
a) Aquifuse b) Aquiclude c) Aquifer d) Aquitard
5) ___________ is a impermeable formation neither containing nor transmitting
a) Aquifuge b) Aquifer c) Aquitard d) Aquiclude
6) ____________ is an active type of sensor.
a) MSS b) Radar
c) Camera and film d) Linear scanner
SLR-C – 152
7) _________ μ m is the wavelength of thermalIR .
a) 3 to 14 b) 0.4 to 0.7 c) 0.3 to 0.4 d) 0.3 to 3
8) Most common air photographs used are
a) Vertical, and Black and White b) Vertical and colour
c) Oblique and colour d) Oblique and Black and White IR
9) Texture on black and white air photographs means various arrangement of
____________ elements.
a) Drainage b) Tonal c) Soil d) Shadow
10) Straight stream segments on air photographs indicate
a) Fractures b) Folds c) Cleavage d) Granite
2. Write any five of the following : 10
a) Panchromatic Black and White air photographs.
b) Tone.
c) Visible spectra.
d) Zone of saturation.
e) Perched watertable.
f) Porosity.
3. A) Attempt any two of the following : 6
a) Parameters of geological aquifers
b) Confined aquifer
c) Signatures of vegetation, drainage, water bodies and rocks on black and
air photographs .
B) Concept of remote sensing. 4
4. Describe any two of the following : 10
a) Alluvium deposits and volcanic rocks as geological aquifers.
b) Groundwater basins and unconfined aquifers.
c) Specific yield.
5. Explain any two of the following : 10
a) Vertical and oblique air photographs.
b) Aerial photography.
c) Multi-spectral scanner.
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