University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
CNO 103(E) : Human Resource Management Specialization
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Solve any five (5) questions.
2) Each questions carries 14 marks.
3) Support your answers with suitable examples.
1. What is OD ? How can OD programs be implemented in organizations ? 14
2. Discuss various theories of change management i.e. open system model, Leavitt’s system
model, Burke Litwin model of change with example. 14
3. Explain action research as a process of organizational development in detail. 14
4. Discuss intergroup interventions. What are the various steps involved in intergroup
interventions. ? 14
5. Write in detail a note on process consultation. 14
6. Discuss the relevance of quality of work-life and recent trends affecting quality of work-life of
employees. 14
7. Write a short note on (any two) : 14
a) Self Managed teams
b) Socio-Technical System as an Intervention
c) OD in Public Sector Enterprises
d) Role of OD Consultant
e) Total Quality Management.
M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
CNO 103(E) : Human Resource Management Specialization
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Solve any five (5) questions.
2) Each questions carries 14 marks.
3) Support your answers with suitable examples.
1. What is OD ? How can OD programs be implemented in organizations ? 14
2. Discuss various theories of change management i.e. open system model, Leavitt’s system
model, Burke Litwin model of change with example. 14
3. Explain action research as a process of organizational development in detail. 14
4. Discuss intergroup interventions. What are the various steps involved in intergroup
interventions. ? 14
5. Write in detail a note on process consultation. 14
6. Discuss the relevance of quality of work-life and recent trends affecting quality of work-life of
employees. 14
7. Write a short note on (any two) : 14
a) Self Managed teams
b) Socio-Technical System as an Intervention
c) OD in Public Sector Enterprises
d) Role of OD Consultant
e) Total Quality Management.
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