Friday, November 20, 2015

2014 Question Paper,M.B.S. (Semester – II),University Of Pune Question Paper,CNO205 (RABM) : RURAL AND AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT (RABM) SPECIALIZATION –VI

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Millennium Development Goal (2013 Pattern)
Time : 2.30 hrs Max. Marks : 50
 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory with internal choices within the
2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
1. Discuss the fundamental concept of MDG (Millennium Development Goals). How the MDG
originated ? How India’s MDG (Millennium Development Goals) is aligned strongly with
international commitments. 10
1. What are the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG) ? What are the issues in development
of Indian agriculture ? 10
2. What is the role of agriculture in meeting MDG (Millennium Development Goals) ? What do
you mean by marginalization of agriculture ? explain in details. 10
2. Do you find the prospect of reducing poverty by 2015 with the help of MDG (Millennium
Development Goal) ? What do you mean by marginalization of poverty under structural
adjustment ? 10
3. What is the contribution of agriculture towards the current growth path in country ? How the
poverty could be reduced through agriculture led economic growth ? 10
3. What is the contribution of MDG (Millennium Development Goal) towards eradicating poverty
and Hunger ? Discuss in details. 10
4. What are the emerging issues in meeting MDG (Millennium Development Goals) ? What is a
Macroeconomic reform ? How it would contribute to rural and agricultural development ?
Discuss in details. 10
4. How rural infrastructure would contribute to agricultural growth and also in achieving MDG
(Millennium Development Goals) ? How policy actions and trade policies impact on Millennium
Development Growth ? Discuss in details. 10
5. Justify with relevant examples that foreign private direct investment contributes to rural
infrastructure development ? Discuss the role of governance structures in agriculture for
achieving the MDG’s (Millennium Development Goals) Explain with examples. 10
5. Does foreign private direct investment contribute to rural infrastructure development ? Explain
with relevant examples. 10
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