University Of Pune Question Paper
M.P.M. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Note : 1) Q.No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any three questions from remaining questions.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. What do you mean by Safety Management ? Explain causes of accidents in details. 10
2. Explain the role of union and management in promoting safety in industry. 20
3. What are the qualifications required for safety officer ? Explain duties and responsibilities of
safety officer. 20
4. Discuss the types of fire and preventive measures to extinguish each type of fire. 20
5. Explain Environment Protection Act 1986 in detail. 20
6. Write short notes on (Any two) : 20
a) Safety committee
b) Cost of accidents
c) Training of employees for safety
d) Noise and its effect on health of worker.
M.P.M. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Note : 1) Q.No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any three questions from remaining questions.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. What do you mean by Safety Management ? Explain causes of accidents in details. 10
2. Explain the role of union and management in promoting safety in industry. 20
3. What are the qualifications required for safety officer ? Explain duties and responsibilities of
safety officer. 20
4. Discuss the types of fire and preventive measures to extinguish each type of fire. 20
5. Explain Environment Protection Act 1986 in detail. 20
6. Write short notes on (Any two) : 20
a) Safety committee
b) Cost of accidents
c) Training of employees for safety
d) Noise and its effect on health of worker.
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