Friday, November 6, 2015

2014 Question Paper,Solapur University Question Paper,M.C.A. – II (Semester – III),ADVANCED DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

Solapur  University Question Paper
M.C.A. – II (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(Commerce and Management Faculty)
Day and Date : Saturday, 10-5-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instructions: i) Q. No. 1 and Q. No. 7 are compulsory.
ii) Attempt any two questions from Q. No. 2, 3 and 4.
iii) Attempt any one question from Q.No. 5 and Q.No. 6.
iv) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. A) Choose the correct answer : 7
a) The active data warehouse architecture includes which of the following ?
a) At least one data mart
b) Data that can extracted from numerous internal and external sources
c) Near real-time updates
d) All of the above
b) _______ helps to integrate homogeneous database system with multiple
database and data types other than relational data types.
c) A multifold transformation does which of the following :
a) Converts data from one field into multiple fields
b) Converts data from multiple fields into one field
c) Converts data from multiple fields into multiple fields
d) All of the above
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d) Transient data is which of the following ?
a) Data in which changes to existing records cause the previous version
of the records to be eliminated
b) Data in which changes to existing records do not cause the previous
version of the records to be eliminated
c) Data that are never altered or deleted once they have been added
d) Data that are never deleted once they have been added
e) A star schema has what type of relationship between a dimension and
fact table ?
a) Many-to-many b) One-to-one
c) One-to-many d) All of the above
f) The generic two-level data warehouse architecture includes which of the
following ?
a) At least one data mart
b) Data that can extracted from numerous internal and external sources
c) Near real-time updates
d) All of the above
g) Fact tables are which of the following ?
a) Completely demoralized b) Partially demoralized
c) Completely normalized d) Partially normalized
B) State True or False : 7
a) A data mart is designed to optimize the performance for well-defined and
predicable uses.
b) Successful data warehousing requires that a formal program in total quality
management (TQM) be implemented
c) Data in operational systems are typically fragmented and inconsistent.
d) Most operational systems are based on the use of transient data.
e) Independent data marts are often created because an organization focuses
on a series of short-term business objectives.
f) Joining is the process of partitioning data according to predefined criteria.
g) The role of the ETL process is to identify erroneous data and to fix them.
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2. a) How does the association technique apply to data mining ? 7
b) In OLAP, what is the meaning of the terms drill down, roll up, and slice ? 7
3. a) A distributed database system is designed and engineered to satisfy certain
fundamental properties, these being :
• distributed queries;
• independence of location (location transparency);
• global access control policy;
Explain why the above properties are important in a distributed database
system. 7
b) Explain how spatial data represented on a two dimensional map can be
represented in the relational model of data. 7
4. Write a short note on (any two) : 14
a) Machine Learning
b) K – means algorithm.
c) Multimedia database.
5. Describe the four key features of XML technologies (listed below) which are
deployed for web services :
• Integration with the Web,
• Data can freely travel over the Web,
• Strong Data independence,
• Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Description Language
 (WSDL) and Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI). 14
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6. What are the distinctive characteristics of a database application that supports
Suppose you were to design a database for an OLAP application, briefly explain
how your approach to schema design would differ with that of a traditional On
Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) application ? 14
7. With the rapid development of Internet technology, database driven web sites
have become an essential component for enterprise applications.
Give example(s) of software architecture(s) for a database driven web site,
including of the relevant services and programming languages that are
required. 14
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