Sunday, November 22, 2015

4.2: BIOPHARMACEUTICS & PHARMACOKINETICS,2013 Question Paper,Fourth Year B.Pharmacy,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Examination, 2013
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) All questions are compulsory.
1. Discuss the assumptions, limitations and significance of pH- partition hypothesis. 10
1. Describe various pharmacokinetic parameters and study designs used in BA/BE
2. Answer any five : 15
1) Discuss briefly factors affecting gastric emptying of drug.
2) What are the possible mechanisms of enzyme induction and enzyme inhibition ?
3) Explain the objectives of bioavailability studies.
4) Give significance of tissue binding of drug.
5) What are the advantages and limitations of randomized, balanced, crossover
design in BE studies ?
6) Explain in short Blood Brain Barrier.
7) What are the various sites of drug metabolism in the body ?
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3. Write short note on (any 3) : 15
1) Volume of distribution and its importance.
2) Bioactivation.
3) Extra vascular drug binding.
4) Regulatory requirements in BA/BE studies.
5) Presystemic metabolism.
4. Explain how, the plasma concentration remains steady as long as constant rate
i.v. infusion is continued, when an i.v. bolus injection is given as a loading dose
before starting i.v. infusion. 10
4. What are pharmacokinetic models ? Explain various types with their significance. 10
5. Answer any five : 15
1) Name the methods used to calculate KE from urinary excretion data. What are the
advantages of urinary data over plasma data ?
2) Explain what dose-dependent kinetics is. Give methods of detection.
3) Define and explain in short- MRT (Mean Residence Time).
4) Define and explain in short- AUC.
5) Explain in short : elimination rate constant.
6) Explain in short : Cmax and tmax.
7) Give possible reasons of non linearity in pharmacokinetics.
6. Write short note on (any 3) : 15
1) Two compartmental model.
2) Wagnor- Nelson method.
3) Method of residuals.
4) Levels of IVIVC (In vitro- in vivo correlation).
5) Individualization of dosage regimen.

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