University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – VII) Examination, 2014
(2005 & 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
N.B. : 1) Answer any seven questions.
2) Every question carries 10 marks.
1. What is Ecotel ? Explain the benefits of Ecotels to the Hotels. 10
2. What do you understand by Smart/Green building ? Explain its advantages. 10
3. What are potential hazardous waste found in a hotel ? How to reduce it ? 10
4. Write short notes on (any 02) : 10
1) Waste Management.
2) Staff awareness for environmental message.
3) Improving water quality.
4) Sources of external air pollutants.
5. What is noise ? Explain its different sources in a hotel and how will you control it ? 10
6. What is air pollution ? As a Executive Housekeeper how will you control indoor air pollution ? 10
7. While purchasing product for kitchen, what principles to be followed ? 10
8. You have taken over a 100 rooms hotel, which is having high energy cost, and as a result high
operating cost. Draft energy efficiency action plan for the same. 10
9. Explain the following (any 5) : 10
1) Eco-bricks
2) Eco-paints
3) Carbon foot print
4) Environment Management
5) Alternate energy sources
6) Recycling
7) Waste Audit.
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – VII) Examination, 2014
(2005 & 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
N.B. : 1) Answer any seven questions.
2) Every question carries 10 marks.
1. What is Ecotel ? Explain the benefits of Ecotels to the Hotels. 10
2. What do you understand by Smart/Green building ? Explain its advantages. 10
3. What are potential hazardous waste found in a hotel ? How to reduce it ? 10
4. Write short notes on (any 02) : 10
1) Waste Management.
2) Staff awareness for environmental message.
3) Improving water quality.
4) Sources of external air pollutants.
5. What is noise ? Explain its different sources in a hotel and how will you control it ? 10
6. What is air pollution ? As a Executive Housekeeper how will you control indoor air pollution ? 10
7. While purchasing product for kitchen, what principles to be followed ? 10
8. You have taken over a 100 rooms hotel, which is having high energy cost, and as a result high
operating cost. Draft energy efficiency action plan for the same. 10
9. Explain the following (any 5) : 10
1) Eco-bricks
2) Eco-paints
3) Carbon foot print
4) Environment Management
5) Alternate energy sources
6) Recycling
7) Waste Audit.
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