Thursday, November 5, 2015

ADVANCED ACCOUNTANCY ,M.Com. (Part – I) , 2014 Question Paper,Solapur University

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Com. (Part – I) (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2014
ADVANCED ACCOUNTANCY (Paper – II) (Gr. a) (Auditing)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instruction : Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct alternative from alternatives given below each question. 10
1) An ___________ is a written scheme of the exact details of the work to be
done by the auditor in connection with a particular audit.
a) Audit note b) Audit programme
c) Audit report d) Investigation report
2) The term ___________ is a comprehensive one, and it includes, all the
evidence gathered by the auditor to show the work he has done.
a) Audit programme b) Audit objection
c) Working papers d) Verification
3) The ___________ of assets implies an enquiry into the value, ownership and
title existence and possession the presence of any charge on the asset.
a) Verification b) Vouching c) Examination d) Audit
4) The __________ means careful examination of the original evidence with a
view to prove the accuracy of the entries.
a) Voucher b) Checking c) Vouching d) Inspection
5) Under internal _____________ system the principle of division of labour is
followed in such a way that the work completed by one employee gets
automatically checked from the other employee during the course of flow of
a) Check b) Audit c) Examination d) All of these
6) The ___________ certifies whether the financial statements exhibit true and
fair view of state of the affairs of the concern.
a) Accountant b) Liquidator
c) Any chartered accountant d) Auditor
SLR-N – 7
7) A ___________ error is one which is counter balanced by any other error or
series of errors.
a) Commission b) Compensating
c) Omission d) Principle
8) The company auditor acts in the capacity of an __________ of shareholders.
a) Agent b) Worker
c) Supervisor d) None of these
9) Errors of ___________ arises when a transaction is wholly or partly omitted
to be recorded.
a) Commission b) Compensating
c) Principle d) Omission
10) The Internal auditor is appointed by the ___________
a) Government b) External auditor
c) Management d) Registrar
2. Answer the following :
A) Write a note on ‘Investigation’. 5
B) Explain the concept of valuation of assets and liabilities. 5
3. Answer the following :
A) Write a note on audit programme. 5
B) Give characteristics of good internal control. 5
4. Answer any one : 10
i) Define auditing. What are the objects of auditing ?
ii) Explain “Internal check system”, show the difference between internal check
and internal audit with reference to the duty of an auditor in respect there of.
5. Answer any one : 10
i) What are the objects of internal audit ?
ii) What do you understand by the term vouching ? Explain its importance to an
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