Sunday, November 29, 2015

AE1007 Finite Element Method B.E Aero AU Chennai Question Bank

University : Anna University Chennai
College Name : Srinivasan Engineering College
Department : Aeronautical Engineering
Subject : AE1007 Finite Element Method
Degree : B.E Degree Course
Semester : VII
Year of Course : IV
Study Materials Type : Question Bank

UNIT 1 :
1. What is meant by finite element?
A small units having definite shape of geometry and nodes is called finite element.
2. What is meant by node or joint?
Each kind of finite element has a specific structural shape and is inter- connected with the adjacent element by nodal point or nodes. At the nodes, degrees of freedom are located. The forces will act only at nodes at any others place in the element.
3. What is the basic of finite element method?
Discretization is the basis of finite element method. The art of subdividing a structure in to convenient number of smaller components is known as discretization.
4. What are the types of boundary conditions?
Primary boundary conditions
Secondary boundary conditions
5. State the methods of engineering analysis?
Experimental methods
Analytical methods
Numerical methods or approximate methods
6. What are the types of element?

Full Question Bank Download Link => AE1007 Finite Element Method B.E Aero AU Chennai Question Bank

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