Looking for important questions of AE2352 Experimental Stress Analysis ? You can here get AE2352 Experimental Stress Analysis important questions for Nov Dec 2015 Anna University Chennai Examinations. It's 6th Semester Aeronautical Engineering subject.
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Aeronautical Engineering
Sixth Semester
AE2352 Experimental Stress Analysis
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2008)
1. Explain the basic generalized measuring system with neat sketch.
2. Explain the measurement of pressure with diagram
3. Briefly explain static characteristic of measurement.
4. What are the different types of strain gauges? What are the advantages over other types of gauges?
5. Derive the expression for balanced and un-balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit
6. Derive an expression for output voltage of Potentiometer circuit for strain gauges.
7. Derive the expression for principal strains and its direction in terms of strain measured in a Four
element rectangular rosette
8. Explain briefly the NULL balance bridges.
9. What is meant by compensation in photo elasticity and explain any two fringe compensation
method in detail with its advantages over other methods.
10. Explain fringe sharpening and fringe multiplication techniques used in photo elasticity.
11. Show the intensity of light emerging from circular polariscope is a function of principal stress
12. Derive the relation between the stresses, relative retardation, material fringe value and thickness
of photoelastic model.
13. Explain briefly the Moiré method of strain analysis.
14. Explain working principle of Holography
15. Enumerate the brittle coating crack pattern with explanation
16. Explain
(i) Eddy current testing
(ii) Brittle coating technique
17. Explain the working principle of Fibre optic sensors with neat sketch.
18. Explain holography and ultrasonic C-scan non-destructive testing methods with its application.
19. Explain acoustic emission technique with neat sketch.
20. What is the principles of radiography and explain the production of X-rays with the help of
schematic diagram.
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Aeronautical Engineering
Sixth Semester
AE2352 Experimental Stress Analysis
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2008)
1. Explain the basic generalized measuring system with neat sketch.
2. Explain the measurement of pressure with diagram
3. Briefly explain static characteristic of measurement.
4. What are the different types of strain gauges? What are the advantages over other types of gauges?
5. Derive the expression for balanced and un-balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit
6. Derive an expression for output voltage of Potentiometer circuit for strain gauges.
7. Derive the expression for principal strains and its direction in terms of strain measured in a Four
element rectangular rosette
8. Explain briefly the NULL balance bridges.
9. What is meant by compensation in photo elasticity and explain any two fringe compensation
method in detail with its advantages over other methods.
10. Explain fringe sharpening and fringe multiplication techniques used in photo elasticity.
11. Show the intensity of light emerging from circular polariscope is a function of principal stress
12. Derive the relation between the stresses, relative retardation, material fringe value and thickness
of photoelastic model.
13. Explain briefly the Moiré method of strain analysis.
14. Explain working principle of Holography
15. Enumerate the brittle coating crack pattern with explanation
16. Explain
(i) Eddy current testing
(ii) Brittle coating technique
17. Explain the working principle of Fibre optic sensors with neat sketch.
18. Explain holography and ultrasonic C-scan non-destructive testing methods with its application.
19. Explain acoustic emission technique with neat sketch.
20. What is the principles of radiography and explain the production of X-rays with the help of
schematic diagram.
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