Saturday, November 14, 2015

ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND HEALTH EDUCATION – II,2014 Question Paper,B.Pharm. (Semester – II),Solapur University Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
B.Pharm. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Day and Date : Saturday, 24-5-2014 Marks : 64
Time : 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m.
2. Attempt any four of the following questions : (4×4=16)
1) Explain physiology of auditory sensation.
2) Describe the anatomy of neuron.
3) Draw a neat labeled diagram of skin.
4) Explain the concept of health. Describe the objectives of health education.
5) Draw a neat labeled diagram of nephron.
6) Write a note on sex hormones in male and female.
3. Answer the following questions : (2×8=16)
1) Explain Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone pathway in detail.
2) Differentiate between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
2) Give detailed anatomy of male reproductive system.
4 .Answer any four of the following questions : (4×4=16)
1) Give causative organism, mode of transmission, symptoms and prevention
of influenza and tetanus.
2) Give anatomy of cerebrum.
3) Describe histology of skeletal muscles.
4) Write on secretions of thyroid and parathyroid glands.
5) Write a note on cancer.
6) Classify family planning techniques. Write on chemical methods.
5. Answer the following questions : (2×8=16)
1) Explain in detail AIDS and hepatitis.
2) Write a note on functions of anterior pituitary gland.
2) Describe the anatomy of eye.
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