Searching for Animal Cell Science and Tissue Culture Berhampur University 2010 Question Paper ? Then you can find here the exact question paper you are looking. The paper consists of 8 questions out of which 04 questions you have to answer. Each question carries 10 marks and thus a total of 40 marks for this question paper.
Question Paper University : Berhampur University
Exam Time: 02 hours
Full Marks: 40
Answer any four questions
All questions are of equal value
1. Describe and discuss the chemical and metabolic functions of different constituents of culture medium.
2. Write short notes on the following:
a. Lymphocytes.
b.Growth medium.
3. Describe the techniques of invitro mammalian cell culture.
4. Write notes on the following.
a. Embryo culture
b. Cytoxicity
5. Describe the process of cell cloning and its applications.
6. Write short notes on the following:
a. Cell transformation
b. Embryo transfer
7. Describe and discuss the ethics of animal cloning.
8. Write notes on the following:
a. Stem cell culture
b. Apoptosis.
Question Paper University : Berhampur University
Question Paper Years : 2010 Exam Paper
Question Paper Name : Animal Cell Science and Tissue CultureFull Marks: 40
Answer any four questions
All questions are of equal value
1. Describe and discuss the chemical and metabolic functions of different constituents of culture medium.
2. Write short notes on the following:
a. Lymphocytes.
b.Growth medium.
3. Describe the techniques of invitro mammalian cell culture.
4. Write notes on the following.
a. Embryo culture
b. Cytoxicity
5. Describe the process of cell cloning and its applications.
6. Write short notes on the following:
a. Cell transformation
b. Embryo transfer
7. Describe and discuss the ethics of animal cloning.
8. Write notes on the following:
a. Stem cell culture
b. Apoptosis.
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