Sunday, November 8, 2015

ANU BA Human Resource and Management I Year 2013 Question Paper

Looking for BA old question papers of 1st year course of ANU ? Look at the contents of the question paper provided below. The contents of the QP belongs to 2013 exam year of the subject Human Resource and Management. Download it now

University Name : Adikavi Nannaya University
Question Paper Course Name : BA
Year: Ist Year
Name of the Question Paper: Human Resource and Management (Paper-1: General Management and Organizational Behaviour)
Time: 03 Hours
Max Marks: 80

Human Resource and Management
Paper 1: General Management and Organizational Behaviour
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer ALL questions. 4X15=60
1. a) Describe the functions of management?
 b) What is decision making explain steps in decision making? Explain steps in  decision making

2. a) Explain the factors that influence decentralization in an organization?
 b) What are the essential features of Leadership?

3. a) Discuss the models of organizational behavior?
 b) Write about the factors that influence organizational climate

4. a) Explain about organizational change and its affects?
 b) Define and explain the elements of talent management?

Answer any FOUR Questions 4x5=20
5. M B O (Management by objectives)
 6. Motivation
 7. Knowledge Management
 8. Team Building
 9. Business Ethics
 10. Stress and counseling
 11. Organizational conflict
 12. Empowerment
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