Saturday, November 7, 2015

AU Chennai B.E B.Tech All Exams on 13th November 2015

Looking for the list of exams on 13th November 2015 by Anna University Chennai ? Get all B.E B.Tech exams being held on 13-11-15 here.

Anna University Chennai 600025
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION November / December 2015
Important Questions and Study Materials
Exams on 13th November 2015 (Friday)

B.E. Aeronautical Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> AE2303 Aerodynamics - II
-> AE2353 Wind Tunnel Techniques

B.E. Automobile Engineering
-> AT6503 Vehicle Design Data Characteristics
-> AT2302 Automotive Electrical And Electronics
-> AT2353 Two And Three Wheelers

B.E. Civil Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> CE2303 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering
-> CE2352 Design Of Steel Structures

B.E. Computer Science and Engineering
-> CS6503 Theory of Computation
-> CS2302 Computer Networks
-> IT2023 Digital Image Processing
-> CS2051 Graph Theory
-> CS2055 Software Quality Assurance
-> CS2057 Knowledge Based Decision Support Systems

B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> EE2302 Electrical Machines II

B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering
-> EC2302 Digital Signal Processing
-> EC2353 Antennas And Wave Propagation

B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> EI2302 Analytical Instruments
-> EI2352 Process Control

B.E. Instrumentation and Control Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> EI2302 Analytical Instruments
-> EI2352 Process Control

B.E. Marine Engineering
-> MV6503 Stability of Ships
-> MV2254 Marine Electrical Machines - II
-> MV2305 Mechanics Of Machines - II

B.E. Mechanical Engineering
-> ME2301 Thermal Engineering
-> ME2401 Mechatronics

B.E. Mechatronics Engineering
-> MF6505 CNC Machining Technology
-> EC3302 Power Electronics
-> MT3313 Design Of Mechatronics System

B.E. Mechanical and Automation Engineering
-> IE3202 Operations Research - I

B.E. Production Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> PR2351 Finite Element Analysis In Manufacturing Engineering
-> ME2401 Mechatronics

B.E. Bio Medical Engineering
-> BM6503 Bio Materials and Artificial Organs

B.E. Environmental Engineering
-> EN6502 Air and Noise Pollution Control
-> EN3303 Wastewater Engineering - I
-> MG3313 Principles of Management

B.E. Industrial Engineering and Management
-> IE6504 Manufacturing Automation
-> IM3304 Industrial Engineering
-> IE3353 Reliability Engineering

B.E. Medical Electronics
-> BM6503 Bio Materials and Artificial Organs
-> BM2303 Bio Materials And Artificial Organs
-> BM2021 Biofluids and Dynamics
-> BM2022 Biometric Systems
-> BM3305 Medical Informatics
-> MD3313 Bio Materials And Artificial Organs

B.E. Geoinformatics Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> GI3302 Microwave Remote Sensing
-> GI3006 Remote Sensing and GIS for Ocean Engineering and Coastal Zone Management
-> GI3005 Remote Sensing And Gis For Hydrology And Water Resources

B.E. Industrial Engineering
-> IE6504 Manufacturing Automation
-> IE3202 Operations Research - I
-> IE3353 Reliability Engineering

B.E. Manufacturing Engineering
-> MF6505 CNC Machining Technology
-> MF3303 Precision Engineering
-> MF3313 Computer Integrated Production Management Systems

B.E. Petrochemical Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> PC3402 Chemical Reaction Engineering
-> PM3302 Instrumentation and Instrumental Analysis

B.E- Mechanical Engineering(Sandwich)
-> MS6501 Economics for Business Decisions

B.E. Materials Science and Engineering
-> ML6503 Characterization of Materials
-> ML3311 Creep and Fatigue Behavior of Materials

B.Tech. Chemical Engineering
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> CH2304 Heat Transfer
-> CH2042 Pulp and Paper Technology
-> CH2044 Process Modeling and Simulation
-> CH2041 Petroleum Technology
-> CH2043 Polymer Technology
-> CH2045 Computer Applications in Chemical Engg.

B.Tech. Information Technology Eaea Full Study Materials : R2008 : Click Here | R2013 : Click Here
-> IT6501 Graphics and Multimedia
-> CS2302 Computer Networks
-> IT2023 Digital Image Processing

B.Tech. Polymer Technology
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> PT2303 Computer Programming
-> PT2353 Polymer Testing Methods

B.Tech. Textile Chemistry
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> TC3304 Dyeing of Cellulosic Textiles-I
-> TC3311 Technology of Finishing

B.Tech. Textile Technology
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> TT2303 Fabric Manufacture II

B.Tech. Fashion Technology
-> FT6503 Garment Finishing and Clothing Care
-> FT2305 Testing & Quality Control Of Textiles & Apparels

B.Tech. Bio Technology
-> BT6503 Mass Transfer Operation
-> BT2302 Biochemistry II
-> BT2352 Chemical Reaction Engineering

B.Tech. Petroleum Engineering
-> PE6502 Well Logging
-> PE2302 Well Logging
-> PE2036 Computer - Aided Process Plant Design
-> PE2035 Storage and Transportation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas
-> PE2037 Bio-Chemical Engineering
-> PE2039 Principles of Geochemistry
-> PE2038 Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design

B.Tech. Plastic Technology
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> PL2303 CAD/CAM/CAE for Plastic Engineering
-> PL2353 Plastics Testing Techniques - I

B.Tech. Pharmaceutical Technology
-> PY6004 Genetic Engineering and Pharmacogenomics
-> PY3302 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
-> CH3314 Mass Transfer Operations

B.Tech. Petrochemical Technology
-> MA6459 Numerical Methods
-> PC3311 Mass Transfer Operations
-> PC3402 Chemical Reaction Engineering

-> AR6003 Theory of Design
-> AR2304 Building Services III
-> AR2071 Energy Efficient Architecture

B.E-Mechanical Engineering(Sandwich)
-> MS3303 Metrology and Quality Assurance
-> ME2301 Thermal Engineering

B.Tech-Textile Technology (Fashion Technology)
-> FT2305 Testing & Quality Control Of Textiles & Apparels

B.Tech. Chemical and Electrochemical Engg
-> EL3303 Electrodics and Electrocatalysis
-> EL3313 Industrial Metal Finishing

B.Arch.(Interior Design)
-> AR2304 Building Services III
-> AR2071 Energy Efficient Architecture
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B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year 2016. She has developed this website for the welfare of students community not only for students under Anna University Chennai, but for all universities located in India. That's why her website is named as . If you don't find any study materials that you are looking for, you may intimate her through contact page of this website to know her so that it will be useful for providing them as early as possible. You can also share your own study materials and it can be published in this website after verification and reviewing. Thank you!


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