Sunday, November 22, 2015

B. B. A. ( Semester - VI ),2013 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,(B) CASES IN MARKETING (SPECIALISATION - IV : MARKETING)

University Of Pune Question Paper
B. B. A. ( Semester - VI ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions :
(1) Case No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any two cases from Case Nos. 2 to 4.
Case No. 1 : [20]
Sudarshan and Abhijeet are two enterprising youth. They have passed out
from IIM, Kozhikode. They thought instead of doing a job, they will launch
fresh vegetables in Indian Markets. Having learnt of the future conventional
foods, they decided to venture into cultivation of mushrooms. Mushrooms
are known to be the best alternative food for vegetarians. For Sudarshan
and Abhijeet fund raising was a serious handicap for mass production.
However, the first trial batch of mushrooms that they produced was bought
by Star Hotel in Kerala. Further, the hotel placed orders for supply of 20
kgs every day. Now mushroom industry is run by small entrepreneurs, like
Sudarshan and Abhijeet. Another big player M/s. Ashtavinayak Mushrooms,
equipped with cold storage facility was more interested in the export market.
Sudarshan and Abhijeet have set their sights high. They aim to sell
mushrooms in a very big way all over India. Mushrooms have a great market
potential and is a perishable food.
Q.l) How will you advise Sudarshan and Abhijeet, as how to increase the
consumer awareness about this new food ?
Q.2) What would be your suggestions for distribution channel for
mushrooms ?
[4372]-611 1 P.T.O.
Case No. 2 : [15]
Sony T.V. Company has appointed you as District Sales Manager to promote
sales of their new latest model LED flat 52 inches television set. You are
also given 20 salesmen to help you in achieving sales targets, but your
salesmen are not fulfilling your desired targets. You have been put under
lot of pressure to achieve targets.
Q.l) As a District Sales Manager, what steps do you plan to take to increase
sales ?
Q.2) What techniques will you adopt to get good response from your
salesmen ?
Q.3) How will your organise a team of your sub-ordinates to change their
attitudes ?
Case No. 3 : [15]
Leading technology company Apple, Inc. focuses on the two advertising
campaigns : 'Get a Mac' and 'Why You'll Love a Mac' for the product Mac
Computers. In mid-2010, Apple discontinued its long running 'Get a Mac’
campaign for promoting its Mac Computers and launched a new campaign
in its place. The new campaign, unlike the older ones, did not focus on
comparing Apple's products with that of its competitors but instead gave
consumers more reasons for buying Apple's Computers. The 'Get a Mac'
campaign was launched by Apple in response to the falling sales of its
The campaign focused on comparing its products with that of its main
competitor, Microsoft. Apple was emerging as a leader in a number of other
electronic products like mobile phones, tablets, etc. It wanted to leverage
on its successes in these other products and improve its fortunes in the
personal computer business. The comparison of the features was done
through two characters which were shown as personifications of Microsoft's
PC and Apple's Mac. The campaign was quite successful and led to a
significant increase in the sales of Macs. It won many awards and was hailed
by critics for projecting the differences between Macs and Windows with
dignity and humor. However, some observers criticized the campaign for
just projecting the differences between the two platforms while not giving
any reasons for the consumers to buy Macs.
[4372]-611 2 Contd.
Q.l) Appreciate the importance of comparative advertising.
Q.2) Explore the future advertising strategies that could be followed by
Apple to emerge as a leader in the personal computer business.
Case No. 4 : [15]
As an integrated beverage company, 'Rejoice Now!' leads its own brand
design, marketing and sales efforts. In addition, the company owns the entire
beverage supply chain, including production of concentrates, bottling and
packaging and distribution to retail outlets. Rejoice Now! has a considerable
number of brands across carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, 5 large
bottling plants throughout the country and distribution agreements with most
major retailers.
Rejoice Now! is evaluating the launch of a new product, a flavored nonsparkling
bottled water called Oxi-Natura. The company expects this new
beverage to capitalize on the recent trend towards health-conscious alternatives
in the packaged goods market.
Q.1) Elucidate on the distribution channels used for carbonated and noncarbonated
Q.2) Vice President - Marketing has asked you to help analyze the major
factors surrounding the launch of Oxi-Natura.
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