University Of Pune Question Paper
B. C. A. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) Attempt the following : (Any Eight) [16]
(a) What is Conceptual System and Physical System ?
(b) Explain Data Dictionary with example.
(c) What is Reusability of Software ?
(d) What is Preventive Maintenance ?
(e) What are Rules of Interview ?
(f) What are Symbols of DFD ?
(g) What is Cyclomatic Complexity ?
(h) Explain Cohesion with example.
(i) What is Software Engineering ? What are activities it include ?
(j) What is Ripple Effect ?
Q.2) Attempt the following : (Any Four) [16]
(a) Explain different types of Coupling.
(b) Explain Prototyping Model.
(c) What are characteristics of Software ?
(d) Differentiate Structured Interview and Unstructured Interview.
(e) Write a note on SRS.
(f) Write a note on Structured Chart.
Q.3) (A) Design an Screen Layout for Mark Sheet Format. [08]
(B) If customer is within Maharashtra State and has Sales Tax
Exemption Certificate no Sales Tax is levied; otherwise 8% Sales
Tax is charged on the sales value. If the customer is outside
Maharashtra State 4% Central Sales Tax in place of Sales Tax,
is charged.
Draw Decision Tree and Decision Table [08]
Q.4) Write short notes : (Any Four) [16]
(a) Data Validation
(b) Types of Modules
(c) White Box Testing
(d) System Elements
(e) System Analyst
(f) Fact Gathering Techniques
Q.5) Case Study : [16]
Consider Nationalized Banking System which providing following
facilities :
Opening New Account, Withdrawal, Deposit along with this it should
calculate Interest for balanced amount on account. Accountant should
provided different Reports to Bank Manager :
(a) Identify all Entity
(b) Draw E-R Diagram
(c) Draw Context Level DFD
(d) Draw First Level DFD
B. C. A. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) Attempt the following : (Any Eight) [16]
(a) What is Conceptual System and Physical System ?
(b) Explain Data Dictionary with example.
(c) What is Reusability of Software ?
(d) What is Preventive Maintenance ?
(e) What are Rules of Interview ?
(f) What are Symbols of DFD ?
(g) What is Cyclomatic Complexity ?
(h) Explain Cohesion with example.
(i) What is Software Engineering ? What are activities it include ?
(j) What is Ripple Effect ?
Q.2) Attempt the following : (Any Four) [16]
(a) Explain different types of Coupling.
(b) Explain Prototyping Model.
(c) What are characteristics of Software ?
(d) Differentiate Structured Interview and Unstructured Interview.
(e) Write a note on SRS.
(f) Write a note on Structured Chart.
Q.3) (A) Design an Screen Layout for Mark Sheet Format. [08]
(B) If customer is within Maharashtra State and has Sales Tax
Exemption Certificate no Sales Tax is levied; otherwise 8% Sales
Tax is charged on the sales value. If the customer is outside
Maharashtra State 4% Central Sales Tax in place of Sales Tax,
is charged.
Draw Decision Tree and Decision Table [08]
Q.4) Write short notes : (Any Four) [16]
(a) Data Validation
(b) Types of Modules
(c) White Box Testing
(d) System Elements
(e) System Analyst
(f) Fact Gathering Techniques
Q.5) Case Study : [16]
Consider Nationalized Banking System which providing following
facilities :
Opening New Account, Withdrawal, Deposit along with this it should
calculate Interest for balanced amount on account. Accountant should
provided different Reports to Bank Manager :
(a) Identify all Entity
(b) Draw E-R Diagram
(c) Draw Context Level DFD
(d) Draw First Level DFD
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