University Of Pune Question Paper
B. C. A. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
Q.1) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) Explain Connection Oriented and Connectionless Models with
its advantages and disadvantages.
(b) What is NIC ? Explain components and functions of NIC.
(c) Explain Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication in
(d) Explain Infrarred as Wireless Transmission.
Q.2) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) Define Computer Network. State any goals and applications of
Computer Network.
(b) Explain Intranet and Extranet in detail.
(c) How Proxy Servers and Firewalls helps in maintaining Network
Security ? Explain.
(d) Differentiate between Co-axial Cable and Twisted Pair Cable.
Q.3) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) Explain any two Propagation Methods.
(b) Explain in detail :
(i) Web Server
(ii) Search Engines
(c) Write short note on Modes of Communication.
(d) Explain Frame Format of IEEE802.4 (Token Bus).
Q.4) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) List different types of Topologies. Explain any two Topologies
in detail.
(b) Compare ISO/OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP.
(c) Explain Active and Passive Hub.
(d) Explain Bluetooth Architecture.
Q.5) Write short notes on following : (Any Four) [4x5=20]
(a) Source Routing Bridges
(b) Peer-to-peer LAN
(c) SAP
(d) Wireless LAN Architecture
(e) Wireless Fidelity
B. C. A. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
Q.1) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) Explain Connection Oriented and Connectionless Models with
its advantages and disadvantages.
(b) What is NIC ? Explain components and functions of NIC.
(c) Explain Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication in
(d) Explain Infrarred as Wireless Transmission.
Q.2) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) Define Computer Network. State any goals and applications of
Computer Network.
(b) Explain Intranet and Extranet in detail.
(c) How Proxy Servers and Firewalls helps in maintaining Network
Security ? Explain.
(d) Differentiate between Co-axial Cable and Twisted Pair Cable.
Q.3) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) Explain any two Propagation Methods.
(b) Explain in detail :
(i) Web Server
(ii) Search Engines
(c) Write short note on Modes of Communication.
(d) Explain Frame Format of IEEE802.4 (Token Bus).
Q.4) Attempt any three : [3x5=15]
(a) List different types of Topologies. Explain any two Topologies
in detail.
(b) Compare ISO/OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP.
(c) Explain Active and Passive Hub.
(d) Explain Bluetooth Architecture.
Q.5) Write short notes on following : (Any Four) [4x5=20]
(a) Source Routing Bridges
(b) Peer-to-peer LAN
(c) SAP
(d) Wireless LAN Architecture
(e) Wireless Fidelity
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