Monday, November 9, 2015

BA History of Modern Europe from 1789 to the Present Dharwad University 2014 Question Paper

Searching for previous years question papers / model question papers of Karnatak University ? You will here find one of the question paper for BA degree examination of this KSOU. The exam paper is in SLM scheme. It is asked in the year Oct Nov 2014 for BA History Examinations. History of Modern Europe from 1789 to the Present is the subject of this exam paper.

Karnatak University KSOU or Dharwad University
A 515/V
Final Year B.A. Examination, October/November 2014
(SLM Scheme)
HISTORY (Paper – V)
History of Modern Europe from 1789 to the Present
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90
Note : All Sections are compulsory.


I. Answer any three questions. (3×15=45)

1) Describe the causes of the French Revolution.

2) Sketch the role of Bismarck in the Unification of Germany.

3) Discuss Lenin’s role in the Russian Revolutions.

4) Explain the achievements and failures of the League of Nations.

5) Describe the causes of World War II.


II. Answer any three questions. (3×10=30)

6) Explain the achievements of Napoleon Bonaparte.

7) Trace the circumstances leading to the Crimean War and point out its effects.

8) Describe Europe’s expansion into Asia and Africa.

9) Examine the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

10) Describe the role of Benito Mussolini in the rise of Fascism in Italy.


III. Answer any three questions. (3×5=15)

11) Greek war of Independence.

12) French Revolution of 1830

13) Count Cavour

14) Balkan Wars

15) Security Council.

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