Do you require previous years question papers / model question papers / sample question papers / important questions of HPU University subjects ? Then head here under to find your question paper now. Provided here is 2011 question paper of B.A Journalism and Mass Communication subject.
HPU Old Question Paper
Exam Year : 2011
Course: BA
Journalism and Mass Communication
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 80
Question one is compulsory
Attempt five Question in all selecting from each unit
Q 1. Explain th e following term in about 75-100 words each mm-20
1 Feature Writing
2 POhoto Jotnalism
3 Byte
4 Breaking News
5 Press Council
6 5-ws and 1-H of Journalism
7 Caption
8 Editorial
9 Exclusive News
10 Headlines
Q2 What do you understand by mass communication and which are the different tpes of mass communication
Q3 What are the mediums of amss communication. Write in detail
Q4 Write a short history of print media
Q5 What are the qualities and responsibilities of media people
Q6 Explain the classifications and characteristcs of advertising
Q7 What is the defination and functions of public relations
Q8 Give a brief history of radio and TV in India
Q9 What according to you is the role of Radio and TV in bringing about social chandge. Give Examples
HPU Old Question Paper
Exam Year : 2011
Course: BA
Journalism and Mass Communication
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 80
Question one is compulsory
Attempt five Question in all selecting from each unit
Q 1. Explain th e following term in about 75-100 words each mm-20
1 Feature Writing
2 POhoto Jotnalism
3 Byte
4 Breaking News
5 Press Council
6 5-ws and 1-H of Journalism
7 Caption
8 Editorial
9 Exclusive News
10 Headlines
Q2 What do you understand by mass communication and which are the different tpes of mass communication
Q3 What are the mediums of amss communication. Write in detail
Q4 Write a short history of print media
Q5 What are the qualities and responsibilities of media people
Q6 Explain the classifications and characteristcs of advertising
Q7 What is the defination and functions of public relations
Q8 Give a brief history of radio and TV in India
Q9 What according to you is the role of Radio and TV in bringing about social chandge. Give Examples
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