Are you looking for important questions of BA7101 Principles of Management ? You will here find all important question papers of BA7101 Principles of Management for AU Chennai Nov Dec 2015 examinations. Read more details below.
Anna University Chennai
Department of MBA
First Semester
BA7101 Principles of Management
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
1. Explain briefly about the various functions of Management. Explain the three levels of management.
2. Explain the different schools of management. Discuss the contribution of human behaviour school
3. (i)What are the different managerial skills in organisation hierarchy? Explain.
(ii)What are the types of managerial attitude towards operations of MNC?
4. i) Define Management . What is meant by management process?
ii) Management: Science or Art - Discuss
5. Explain the overall decision making process. Explain the process followed in normal situation
6. What are the principles for formulating policy in a modern organization? Explain the essentials of formulating policies.
7. Explain briefly about the major kinds of strategies with examples
8. Why planning is regarded as the primary function of management. Explain the various steps in
9. Explain briefly about the various types of Departmentalization. Explain its need & importance.
10. Explain the various methods of training.
11. Describe the various types of performance appraisal
12. Discuss the span of management/ managerial effectiveness. Explain the factors that influence the effective management
13. What are the elements of organizational culture? How will you manage cultural diversity?
14. What is organizational culture? Explain in detail about the various types of culture
15. Explain the different types of communication. Discuss its relative merits and demerits
16. Discuss oral and non-verbal communication? Explain them in detail.
17. What are the steps involved in the process of controlling? What are the characteristics of controlling?
18. Describe the various types of budgets.
19. Discuss in detail about the tools & techniques used for improving Productivity. Discuss the future of operations research.
20. What are the basic steps in planning the system in operations management?
Anna University Chennai
Department of MBA
First Semester
BA7101 Principles of Management
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
1. Explain briefly about the various functions of Management. Explain the three levels of management.
2. Explain the different schools of management. Discuss the contribution of human behaviour school
3. (i)What are the different managerial skills in organisation hierarchy? Explain.
(ii)What are the types of managerial attitude towards operations of MNC?
4. i) Define Management . What is meant by management process?
ii) Management: Science or Art - Discuss
5. Explain the overall decision making process. Explain the process followed in normal situation
6. What are the principles for formulating policy in a modern organization? Explain the essentials of formulating policies.
7. Explain briefly about the major kinds of strategies with examples
8. Why planning is regarded as the primary function of management. Explain the various steps in
9. Explain briefly about the various types of Departmentalization. Explain its need & importance.
10. Explain the various methods of training.
11. Describe the various types of performance appraisal
12. Discuss the span of management/ managerial effectiveness. Explain the factors that influence the effective management
13. What are the elements of organizational culture? How will you manage cultural diversity?
14. What is organizational culture? Explain in detail about the various types of culture
15. Explain the different types of communication. Discuss its relative merits and demerits
16. Discuss oral and non-verbal communication? Explain them in detail.
17. What are the steps involved in the process of controlling? What are the characteristics of controlling?
18. Describe the various types of budgets.
19. Discuss in detail about the tools & techniques used for improving Productivity. Discuss the future of operations research.
20. What are the basic steps in planning the system in operations management?
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