Looking for BA7108 Written Communication important questions ? We're here updating all important questions / old question papers / previous years question papers / sample question papers / model question papers / 2 marks with answers / 16 marks important questions of BA7108 Written Communication for Anna University Examinations. Download here the Nov Dec 2015 important questions of BA7108 Written Communication. It is MBA 01st Semester R-2013 subject in AU Chennai.
Anna University Chennai
Department of MBA
First Semester
BA7108 Written Communication
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
Anna University Chennai
Department of Master of Business Administration
BA7108 Written Communication
1.Explain about journal writing.
2. Prepare content for greeting card for friend’s wedding anniversary.
3. Write a letter accepting to attend the handover ceremony of the president of pensioners association.
4. Write a letter declining to attend the birthday function of your manager who invited you to attend on next week.
5.Write a blog entry with a review of a book that you read recently.
6. Explain how cross cultural communication is an integral part everybody’s communication training today.
7. Write about Gendered noun and Gender-Neutral Nouns.
8. Write about tweets. Explain the advantages of tweet.
9.What are the various key elements in a complaint letter? Give an example format for complaint
letter format
10.Explain the elements of a status report and annual report format
11.i-low will you respond to an enquiry letter? Explain with an example
12.What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-Mail? Explain.
13.Illustrate the methods of writing abstracts. What are the key Issues In preparing abstracts?
14.Draft a questionnaire of eight points for collecting data about consumer behavior with regard to the use of laptops among college students
15.Explain about qualities of writing in detail.
16.Write a detailed note on data analysis tools/techniques (table, chart and graph)?
17.Write about various techniques of writing and its types
18.Prepare a case study about an employee who feels distributed at work because of the new promotion policy announced by your company.
19.What are the various stages in writing for children? Give its advantages.
20.Explain case studies and its classifications.
Anna University Chennai
Department of MBA
First Semester
BA7108 Written Communication
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
Anna University Chennai
Department of Master of Business Administration
BA7108 Written Communication
1.Explain about journal writing.
2. Prepare content for greeting card for friend’s wedding anniversary.
3. Write a letter accepting to attend the handover ceremony of the president of pensioners association.
4. Write a letter declining to attend the birthday function of your manager who invited you to attend on next week.
5.Write a blog entry with a review of a book that you read recently.
6. Explain how cross cultural communication is an integral part everybody’s communication training today.
7. Write about Gendered noun and Gender-Neutral Nouns.
8. Write about tweets. Explain the advantages of tweet.
9.What are the various key elements in a complaint letter? Give an example format for complaint
letter format
10.Explain the elements of a status report and annual report format
11.i-low will you respond to an enquiry letter? Explain with an example
12.What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-Mail? Explain.
13.Illustrate the methods of writing abstracts. What are the key Issues In preparing abstracts?
14.Draft a questionnaire of eight points for collecting data about consumer behavior with regard to the use of laptops among college students
15.Explain about qualities of writing in detail.
16.Write a detailed note on data analysis tools/techniques (table, chart and graph)?
17.Write about various techniques of writing and its types
18.Prepare a case study about an employee who feels distributed at work because of the new promotion policy announced by your company.
19.What are the various stages in writing for children? Give its advantages.
20.Explain case studies and its classifications.
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