Tuesday, November 24, 2015

BCA Assam University Data Structure and Programming with FORTRAN and C 2007 Question Paper

Searching for BCA "Data Structure and Programming with FORTRAN and C" subject old question papers for Assam University ? Download here 2007 year previous university question paper of BCA Data Structure and Programming with FORTRAN and C . This is 2nd paper coded BCA-102. Read more details below and get a copy of this question paper.

QP Code: NTS-07/ BCA-2 /387
Assam University
2007 Exam Paper
Second Paper (BCA-102)
(Data Structure and Programming with FORTRAN and C)
TDC Part-I

Full Marks : 70
Pass Marks : 21

Time : 3 hours

The figure in the margin indicates full marks for the questions
Use separate answer booklet for separate Group

(Data Structure)

Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 10

Answer one question from each Unit


1. (a) Distinguish between the data structures ‘Array’ and ‘Linked List’ giving examples. 3
(b) Give an algorithm to transverse a linear array of n integers to find out the integers
greater than 100. 4

2. (a) What is a ‘string’? Name the structures used to store and represent strings. 1 + 1 = 2
(b) Give an algorithm for searching a linked list when the list is unsorted. 5


3. (a) What is a ‘Stack’? What are the operations on stack? 1 + 2 = 3
(b) How do you represent stacks by a Singly Linked List? 4

4. (a) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of recursive algorithms over non-recursive
algorithms. Give the recursive version of the function to generate Fibonacci numbers.
2 + 3=5
(b) What is ‘deque’? 2


5. (a) What is a ‘tree’? Define a ‘binary tree’ 1 + 3 = 4
(b) Represent the algebraic expression X as a binary tree such that
X = (a-b) / ((c * d) + e) 3

6. Explain with examples, the rebalancing of the AVL tree after insertion of one element into it.


7. Define the following terms and give examples: 2 + 2 + 3 = 7
(a) Complete graph
(b) Direct graph
(c) Magnetic disk

8. Explain a technique for finding the shortest path between two nodes in a direct graph. 7


9. Give an algorithm for ‘Insertion Sort”. Apply the algorithm to sort the following elements : 4 + 3 = 7

77, 33, 44, 11, 88, 22, 66, 55

10. Mention how linear search is advantageous over binary search. Give an algorithm for linear search. What is the time complexity of your algorithm? 2 + 3 +2 = 7

(Programming with FORTRAN and C)

Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 11

Answer one question from each Unit


11. Give the flowchart and write an algorithm to read an integer n and finf out the prime numbers up to n . 7

12. What are the data types available in FORTRAN? Write a FORTRAN program to read number of days and then calculate and print number of years, months and days in it. 2+5 = 7


13. Distinguish between functions and subroutines in FORTRAN. Write a function in FORTRAN to find factorial of an integer. 3 + 4 = 7

14. Write a FORTRAN program to find out all roots of a quadratic equation of the form

Ax2 + Bx + C = 0


15. What do you mean by ‘constants’ in C? Explain with examples how different types of constants are represented in C. How are the ‘unsigned integer constants’ and ‘long integer constants’ different from the ordinary integer constants? 1 + 4 + 2 = 7

16. Write a C program to store a list a list of integers in an array and then to find out the largest and smallest integers, and also the average of the integers. 7


17. What is a ‘pointer’? Write a C program using pointers to read a line of text and then count the total numbers of ‘vowels’ and ‘consonants’ in it. 1 + 6 = 7

18. Mention the advantages of using functions in C programs. What is the significance of the keyboard ‘void’? Write a function in C to take three integers as argument and return the largest. 2 + 2 + 3 = 7


19. Discuss the significance of the different file opening modes in C. Write a C program to read the contents of a data file and display them on the screen. 3 + 4 = 7

20. What is the purpose of a buffer area while working a stream-oriented data file? How is a buffer area defined? Write a C program to copy one file to another. 1 + 1 + 5 = 7

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