University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Instructions : i) Solve any four questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
iii) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Explain the following wine manufacturing terms any 10 : 10
a) Liquor de tirage b) Racking
c) Fermentation d) Dosage
e) Flor f) Mistelle
g) Angel’s share h) Fining
i) Assemblage j) Degorgement
k) Remuage l) Maceration.
2. Answer the following any five : 10
a) State four general guidelines for food and wine harmony.
b) Describe storage of white wines.
c) List two vine discases. Also state the treatment to curb the same.
d) Explain the following wine laws (any two) :
i) VDQS ii) Kabinett iii) DOCG
e) Name sparkling wine terms used in following countries (any two) :
i) Spain ii) Italy iii) Germany
f) Suggest suitable wines for the following dishes (any two) :
i) Caviar ii) Porc roˆti iii) Crepes suzette
g) Name two types of tobacco used in cigar and cigarette making.
3. Name five wine producing regions of Italy. Also state two famous wines with their
characteristics from the regions. 10
4. A) With help of neat labeled diagram describe solera system. 5
Explain the manufacturing process of madeira.
B) i) Explain three styles of port. 3
ii) What is Humidor ? 2
[4676] – 302 -2-
5. A) Explain the following Aperitifs. 5
a) Vermouth
b) Campari
c) Dubonnet
d) Pernod
e) Amer Pican.
B) Explain the following terms. 5
a) Organic wine
b) Aperitif
c) Sparkling wine
d) Fino
e) Bual.
6. A) Explain following strengths of cigar. 3
a) Madura
b) Colorado Claro
c) Claro.
B) Explain parts of cigar. 3
C) Explain following terms : 4
a) Viticulture
b) Vinification
c) Vintage
d) Sec.
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Instructions : i) Solve any four questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
iii) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Explain the following wine manufacturing terms any 10 : 10
a) Liquor de tirage b) Racking
c) Fermentation d) Dosage
e) Flor f) Mistelle
g) Angel’s share h) Fining
i) Assemblage j) Degorgement
k) Remuage l) Maceration.
2. Answer the following any five : 10
a) State four general guidelines for food and wine harmony.
b) Describe storage of white wines.
c) List two vine discases. Also state the treatment to curb the same.
d) Explain the following wine laws (any two) :
i) VDQS ii) Kabinett iii) DOCG
e) Name sparkling wine terms used in following countries (any two) :
i) Spain ii) Italy iii) Germany
f) Suggest suitable wines for the following dishes (any two) :
i) Caviar ii) Porc roˆti iii) Crepes suzette
g) Name two types of tobacco used in cigar and cigarette making.
3. Name five wine producing regions of Italy. Also state two famous wines with their
characteristics from the regions. 10
4. A) With help of neat labeled diagram describe solera system. 5
Explain the manufacturing process of madeira.
B) i) Explain three styles of port. 3
ii) What is Humidor ? 2
[4676] – 302 -2-
5. A) Explain the following Aperitifs. 5
a) Vermouth
b) Campari
c) Dubonnet
d) Pernod
e) Amer Pican.
B) Explain the following terms. 5
a) Organic wine
b) Aperitif
c) Sparkling wine
d) Fino
e) Bual.
6. A) Explain following strengths of cigar. 3
a) Madura
b) Colorado Claro
c) Claro.
B) Explain parts of cigar. 3
C) Explain following terms : 4
a) Viticulture
b) Vinification
c) Vintage
d) Sec.
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