University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Note : 1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) Solve any 4 questions.
I. Define the following (any 10) : 10
1) Paring
2) Mashing
3) Steeping
4) Rubbing – In
5) Gelatinization
6) Lard
7) Yakhni
8) Ganjas
9) Do Pyaza
10) Pachadi
11) Vindaloo
12) Phirnee.
II. A) List the various pigments present in the following and also explain the effect of acid on
the same. 4
a) Carrot
b) Fenugreek
c) Cauliflower
d) Beetroot.
B) List the duties and responsibilities of the following chefs : 6
a) Sous chef
b) Chef saucier
c) Larder chef.
[4676] – 101
III. A) Write short note on the following any 2 : 6
a) Aim and objectives of cooking food
b) Fire prevention
c) Essentials of continental cuisine.
B) Enlist 4 egs each for holding equipment and Kitchen tools. 4
IV. A) Differentiate between Herbs and Spices. 4
B) Classify fruits with 1 example each. 3
C) Draw a neat labelled diagram of egg. 3
V. A) Give 2 examples for the following (any 6) : 6
1) Natural sweetners
2) Stem vegetables
3) Bi products of milk
4) Bread spreads
5) Hard cheese
6) Fruit vegetable
7) Lentils.
B) Explain in detail the meaning, importance and basic rules of First Aid. 4
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Note : 1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) Solve any 4 questions.
I. Define the following (any 10) : 10
1) Paring
2) Mashing
3) Steeping
4) Rubbing – In
5) Gelatinization
6) Lard
7) Yakhni
8) Ganjas
9) Do Pyaza
10) Pachadi
11) Vindaloo
12) Phirnee.
II. A) List the various pigments present in the following and also explain the effect of acid on
the same. 4
a) Carrot
b) Fenugreek
c) Cauliflower
d) Beetroot.
B) List the duties and responsibilities of the following chefs : 6
a) Sous chef
b) Chef saucier
c) Larder chef.
[4676] – 101
III. A) Write short note on the following any 2 : 6
a) Aim and objectives of cooking food
b) Fire prevention
c) Essentials of continental cuisine.
B) Enlist 4 egs each for holding equipment and Kitchen tools. 4
IV. A) Differentiate between Herbs and Spices. 4
B) Classify fruits with 1 example each. 3
C) Draw a neat labelled diagram of egg. 3
V. A) Give 2 examples for the following (any 6) : 6
1) Natural sweetners
2) Stem vegetables
3) Bi products of milk
4) Bread spreads
5) Hard cheese
6) Fruit vegetable
7) Lentils.
B) Explain in detail the meaning, importance and basic rules of First Aid. 4
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