University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2012
(2008 PATTERN)
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Solve any four (4) questions.
(ii) Each question carries equal marks.
1. (A) List and explain any five features of a computer system. [5]
(B) Explain the following terms (any three) : [3×1=3]
(i) Window
(ii) Wallpaper
(iii) Icons
(iv) File
(v) Folder.
(C) Explain primary key in MS-Access. [2]
2. (A) Explain the following DOS commands (any three) : [3]
(ii) REN
(iii) CD..
(iv) MD
(v) RD.
[4281]-304 2
(B) Write a short note on “AUTO SUM” feature of MS-Excel. [3]
(C) Give the difference between slide transition and animation. [4]
3. (A) Explain steps to insert a chart in MS-Excel. [3]
(B) List and explain Advantages and Disadvantages of E-mail. [5]
(C) Define the following terms in DBMS (any two) : [2]
(i) Record
(ii) Fields
(iii) Table.
4. (A) What is Hyperlink in MS-Word ? [2]
(B) Explain SAP concept in E-commerce. [2]
(C) Explain the term Form and Simple Query in MS-Access. [3]
(D) Give steps to insert Bullets and Numbering in MS-Word. [3]
5. (A) What is software ? List and explain different types of
Software. [3]
(B) Give the importance of Mail Merge in MS-Word. [3]
(C) Explain wildcard characters in MS-DOS. [2]
(D) Write a short note on Search Engine. [2]
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2012
(2008 PATTERN)
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Solve any four (4) questions.
(ii) Each question carries equal marks.
1. (A) List and explain any five features of a computer system. [5]
(B) Explain the following terms (any three) : [3×1=3]
(i) Window
(ii) Wallpaper
(iii) Icons
(iv) File
(v) Folder.
(C) Explain primary key in MS-Access. [2]
2. (A) Explain the following DOS commands (any three) : [3]
(ii) REN
(iii) CD..
(iv) MD
(v) RD.
[4281]-304 2
(B) Write a short note on “AUTO SUM” feature of MS-Excel. [3]
(C) Give the difference between slide transition and animation. [4]
3. (A) Explain steps to insert a chart in MS-Excel. [3]
(B) List and explain Advantages and Disadvantages of E-mail. [5]
(C) Define the following terms in DBMS (any two) : [2]
(i) Record
(ii) Fields
(iii) Table.
4. (A) What is Hyperlink in MS-Word ? [2]
(B) Explain SAP concept in E-commerce. [2]
(C) Explain the term Form and Simple Query in MS-Access. [3]
(D) Give steps to insert Bullets and Numbering in MS-Word. [3]
5. (A) What is software ? List and explain different types of
Software. [3]
(B) Give the importance of Mail Merge in MS-Word. [3]
(C) Explain wildcard characters in MS-DOS. [2]
(D) Write a short note on Search Engine. [2]
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