Thursday, November 12, 2015

BIOTECHNOLOGY (New),B.Sc. I (Semester – II),Solapur Unversity Question Paper,2014 Question Paper

Solapur Unversity Question Paper
B.Sc. I (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Biometry & Tissue Culture (Paper – II) Introduction to Tissue Culture
Day and Date : Saturday, 17-5-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B.: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Rewrite the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives : 10
1) Elements required by plants in concentration greater than 0.5 Mmol/Lit are
referred as
a) Micro molecules b) Macro molecules
c) Vitamins d) Co-factors
2) Micro-elements are essential as _____ for many biochemical reactions.
a) Co-factors b) Catalysts
c) Enzymes d) Carbon source
3) _________ consider as father of plant tissue culture.
a) White b) Skoog
c) Haberlandt d) Thimann
4) ___________ is a type of organogenesis by which only adventitious root
formation takes place.
a) Rhizogenesis b) Caulogenesis
c) Embryogenesis d) Cytogenesis
5) Artificial seeds developed from
a) Callus culture b) Micropropagation
c) Somatic embryoids d) Anther culture
6) _______ described procedure to obtain passaged monolayer.
a) Dulbecco b) Eagle
c) Earle d) Harrison
SLR-DN – 56 
7) _________ method is quick and cheap method of cell separation.
a) Enzymatical b) Physical
c) Clinical d) Orbital
8) Two important enzymes used for disaggregation of tissue are
a) Trypsin and pectinase b) Collagenase and pectinase
c) Cellulase and trypsin d) Collagenase and trypsin
9) Most important protein required for growth of animal cell is
a) Transferrin b) Casein
c) Albumin d) Globulin
10) Viable cells are impermeable to
a) Diacetyl Fluorescin b) Eosin Y
c) Propidium iodide d) Fluorescin
2. Answer the following (any five) : 10
1) Growth room in PTC
2) Plant growth hormones
3) Acclimatization
4) Role of Inverted microscope
5) Natural media
6) Primary cell line.
3. a) Answer the following (any two) : 6
1) Explain organ culture by plasma clot technique
2) Write a note on callus culture
3) Explain membrane integrity assay for viability.
b) Explain in detail role of inorganic micronutrients in plant tissue culture. 4
4. Answer the following (any two) : 10
1) Discuss haploid plant production by anther culture
2) Describe in detail suspension culture
3) Give details of instruments used in animal tissue culture laboratory.
5. Answer the following (any two) : 10
1) Explain different stages of invitro clonal propagation.
2) Give details of cold trypsinization
3) Describe in detail synthetic media for animal tissue culture.
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