Are you in need of previous year question paper of Assam University for a subject ZOOLOGY Biology and Functional Anatomy of Non-chordates and Chordates of Advanced Level and Comparative Anatomy ? You can get it from the following section. Given is II Paper of this B.Sc Zoology.
Assam University Question Paper
Exam Paper Code : NTS-07/ ZOOH-2 /056
2007 Question Paper / Exam Paper
ZOOLOGY (Honours)
Second Paper
(Biology and Functional Anatomy of Non-chordates and Chordates of Advanced Level and Comparative Anatomy)
TDC Part-I (New Course)
Full Marks : 70
Pass Marks : 21
Time : 3 hours
The figure in the margin indicates full marks for the questions
Answer all questions
1. Write the distinctive characters of Ctenophora. Discuss its affinities with other phyla.6+8=14
Give an account of the mechanism of flight in insects. 14
2. What do you understand by accessory respiratory organ? Describe the accessory respiratory organs in fishes with suitable diagrams. Why is air bladder called a hydrostatic organ? 2+(7+3)+2= 14
Give the names of living Dipnoans. Describe the general characters and distribution of Dipnoi. 2+12=14
3. Describe the process of digestion of carbohydrates and proteins in mammals. 7+7=14
Define respiration. Describe the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood during respiration. 2+(6+6)=14
4. Give an account of comparative anatomy of heart in vertebrates with appropriate labeled sketches. 10+4 = 14
Describe the structural characteristics of the respiratory organs found in Amphibia, Birds and Mammals with neat sketches. 14
5. Briefly describe the structure and functions of a mammalian eye. Give diagrams. Mention how it differs from an arthropod eye. (5+4)+3+2 = 14
Write short notes on : 7+7 = 14
(a) Mechanoreceptors
(b) Thermo receptors
Assam University Question Paper
Exam Paper Code : NTS-07/ ZOOH-2 /056
2007 Question Paper / Exam Paper
ZOOLOGY (Honours)
Second Paper
(Biology and Functional Anatomy of Non-chordates and Chordates of Advanced Level and Comparative Anatomy)
TDC Part-I (New Course)
Full Marks : 70
Pass Marks : 21
Time : 3 hours
The figure in the margin indicates full marks for the questions
Answer all questions
1. Write the distinctive characters of Ctenophora. Discuss its affinities with other phyla.6+8=14
Give an account of the mechanism of flight in insects. 14
2. What do you understand by accessory respiratory organ? Describe the accessory respiratory organs in fishes with suitable diagrams. Why is air bladder called a hydrostatic organ? 2+(7+3)+2= 14
Give the names of living Dipnoans. Describe the general characters and distribution of Dipnoi. 2+12=14
3. Describe the process of digestion of carbohydrates and proteins in mammals. 7+7=14
Define respiration. Describe the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood during respiration. 2+(6+6)=14
4. Give an account of comparative anatomy of heart in vertebrates with appropriate labeled sketches. 10+4 = 14
Describe the structural characteristics of the respiratory organs found in Amphibia, Birds and Mammals with neat sketches. 14
5. Briefly describe the structure and functions of a mammalian eye. Give diagrams. Mention how it differs from an arthropod eye. (5+4)+3+2 = 14
Write short notes on : 7+7 = 14
(a) Mechanoreceptors
(b) Thermo receptors
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