Searching for Himachal Pradesh University B.Tech II semester previous years question papers ? You will here collect a question paper of 2008 Year. The subject of exam paper is Applied Mathematics II for 1st year students, 2nd Semester for B.Tech course. Download the exam paper attached below.
Himachal Pradesh University Question Paper
(2058) / 5621
B.Tech. II Semester Examination
Applied Mathematics II
Exam Year : 2008
Paper : AS-1006
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
The candidates shall limit their answers precisely within the answer-book (40 pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: i) Candidates are required to attempt Five questions in all selecting One question from each of the Section A, B, C and D and all the sub-parts of question in Section E.
ii) Use of non-programmable calculators is allowed.
Himachal Pradesh University Question Paper
(2058) / 5621
B.Tech. II Semester Examination
Applied Mathematics II
Exam Year : 2008
Paper : AS-1006
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
The candidates shall limit their answers precisely within the answer-book (40 pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: i) Candidates are required to attempt Five questions in all selecting One question from each of the Section A, B, C and D and all the sub-parts of question in Section E.
ii) Use of non-programmable calculators is allowed.
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