Sunday, November 29, 2015

Business Organisation Lucknow University B.A Part I 2014 Question Paper

Looking for Business Organisation Lucknow University Previous Years Question Papers ? You have here the chance to download 2014 question paper of  Lucknow University B.Com Part I Business Organisation. Collect the contents in text format. If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to ask us through the comments section below.

University : Lucknow University
Question Paper Course : B.Com Part I
Question Paper Title : Business Organisation
Exam Year of the QP : 2014

Maximum marks: 100
Time Allowed: Three Hours

Note: Answer five question in all. question no. 1, which carrying 40 marks, is compulsory. attempt one question carrying 15 marks from each unit.

1. answer the following in brief:
(a) Is sole trading a relic of 'Barbaric age'?
(b) What do you understand by business unit?
(c) Responsibility of management towards different sections of society.
(d) "Unregulated stock exchanges can ruin a country."
(e) Importance of production management.
(f) Line and staff organization.
(g) Methods of wage payment.
(h) Define product management.
(i) Difference between Rationalization and Nationalization.
(j) Causes and motives of motivating factors of combination movement. Discuss.

Unit - 1
2. Define and distinguish between a private company and a public company.
3. "Optimum size is a size where production is maximum at minimum cost." Explain. Also discuss the factors which determine the optimum size of the business unit.

Unit - 2
4. What do you understand by production planning and control? Discuss the various steps involved in it.
5. What is depatmentalisation? Explain the various bases of it. Distinguish between delegation and decentralisation.

Unit - 3
6. Discuss in brief the different types of combinations. Distinguish between horizontal combination and vertical combination.
7. Discuss the various techniques of rationalisation. How rationalisation without tears can be achieved?

Unit - 4
8. "The formation of an ideal wage system depends on certain basic principles or factors." Discuss this statement. Also differentiate time wage and piece wage system.
9. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Functions of a product exchange.
(ii) Listing of securities
(iii) Factors causing fluctuations in the piece of securities. 
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