Thursday, November 26, 2015

CE6301 Engineering Geology BE Civil Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions

Looking for important questions of CE6301 Engineering Geology for writing Nov Dec 2015 exams of Anna University Chennai ? This exams is being held on 30th November 2015. You can download here important questions of B.E Civil 3rd Semester CE6301 Engineering Geology to prepare your exams well. All the best!

Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Civil Engineering
Third Semester
CE6301 Engineering Geology
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)

IUQP Important Questions
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Civil Engineering
03rd Semester
CE6301 Engineering Geology
(Regulation 2013)

1. Write in detail about the structure of the earth and its composition with a neat diagram.

2. Explain the process associated with sea. Write their engineering significance.

3. Explain physical and chemical weathering process in detail. Add a note on weathering grade and its engineering significance.

4. Explain in detail about the earthquake belts of India

5. Elaborate the various physical properties which help in identification of minerals

6. Explain the physical properties biotite, calcite.

7. Give a detailed account on chemical composition, physical properties, origin. occurrence,
engineering behaviour and uses of clay minerals.

8. Explain the physical properties of Augite, hornblende.

9. Descnbe the engineering properties of igneous rocks.

10. Describe the engineering properties of igneous rocks.

11. What are sedimentary rocks? Explain the properties of any 4 sedimentary rocks

12. Describe the different types of rocks. Give the classification, texture and structure of igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

13. Give a detailed account of the various geological structures and their role in selection of sites for
engineering projects

14. What is a fault. Discuss the various types of faults and write about the engineering applications.

15. What is a fold? Discuss the various types of faults and write about the engineering applications

16. Describe seismic reflection survey to de conducted for determining the depth of bed rock

17. What are the various geological factors to be considered for the construction of buildings? Explain in detail with examples.

18. Write in detail about sea erosion and coastal protection structures.

19. Write in detail about landslides and their causative effects. Explain about the [treasures to
prevent them.

20. Using case studies, describe the various aspects of coastal erosion and the various methods of
coastal protection.

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