Searching for important questions of CE6503 Environmental Engineering I for Nov Dec 2015 AU Chennai exams ? We are updating all previous years question papers, model question papers, lecture notes, 2 marks with answers, important 16 marks questions of CE6503 Environmental Engineering I here. You will here under find Nov Dec 2015 important questions of CE6503 Environmental Engineering I. The exam is to held on 17th November 2015. It is 5th Semester exam in BE Civil under AU Chennai R-2013.
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Civil Engineering
Fifth Semester
CE6503 Environmental Engineering I
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
Exam Date: 17th November 2015
1. Define the term per capita demand. Write the factors affecting per capita demand and state the
reasons for variations in demand.
2. What are the causes for pollution of surface and subsurface sources of water? State the measures to
be adopted to prevent pollution of water.
3. The census records of a city show population as follows: Present 50,000 Before one decade 47,100
Before two decades 43,500 Before three decades 41,000 Workout the probable population after one,
two and three decades by using Incremental increase method.
4. What is impounding reservoir ? What are various types of dams and explain the factors considered
for the selection of the dam? (16)
5. Draw a neat sketch of canal intake and explain the working principle. State its merit and demerits.
6. Write a brief note leak detection and state the various tests used to detect the leakage of water
7. What factors are required to be considered in the selection of the type of pump? Discuss the
situations under which the following types of may be used. a. Reciprocating pumps b. centrifugal
pumps c. Air lift pumps.
8. What are the different types of reservoirs used for storage purposes? Explain any one system in a
neat sketch.
9. Distinguish between the slow sand filter and rapid sand gravity sand filters in a tabular form
10. Draw a typical line sketch of water treatment plant and explain the various components in it
11. Design a sedimentation tank for water treatment plant to treat 8 MLD of water. Assume a surface
loading rate of 30 m3/m2/day. Check the adequacy of detention time. Draw the plan of the water
treatment plant.
12. With the help of the diagram, explain the process of Rapid sand filter
13. Explain the Nalgonda technique of deflouridation by exhibiting its use for an individual rural
14. What is aerator? Explain different type of aerators with sketches.
15. Describe the procedure for removal of iron from raw supplies in rural areas.
16. Explain the ion exchange method of water softening with a sketch. (12)
17. Draw a neat sketch of a rain water harvesting structure and write the problems associated with
operation and maintenance of rain water harvesting structures.
18. Discuss with neat sketches the various types of layout of distribution system
19. What are the different method of analyzing a given distribution system? Explain Hardy Cross method of pipe network analysis
20. What are the points to be considered in the maintenance of distribution system of water supply?
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Civil Engineering
Fifth Semester
CE6503 Environmental Engineering I
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
Exam Date: 17th November 2015
1. Define the term per capita demand. Write the factors affecting per capita demand and state the
reasons for variations in demand.
2. What are the causes for pollution of surface and subsurface sources of water? State the measures to
be adopted to prevent pollution of water.
3. The census records of a city show population as follows: Present 50,000 Before one decade 47,100
Before two decades 43,500 Before three decades 41,000 Workout the probable population after one,
two and three decades by using Incremental increase method.
4. What is impounding reservoir ? What are various types of dams and explain the factors considered
for the selection of the dam? (16)
5. Draw a neat sketch of canal intake and explain the working principle. State its merit and demerits.
6. Write a brief note leak detection and state the various tests used to detect the leakage of water
7. What factors are required to be considered in the selection of the type of pump? Discuss the
situations under which the following types of may be used. a. Reciprocating pumps b. centrifugal
pumps c. Air lift pumps.
8. What are the different types of reservoirs used for storage purposes? Explain any one system in a
neat sketch.
9. Distinguish between the slow sand filter and rapid sand gravity sand filters in a tabular form
10. Draw a typical line sketch of water treatment plant and explain the various components in it
11. Design a sedimentation tank for water treatment plant to treat 8 MLD of water. Assume a surface
loading rate of 30 m3/m2/day. Check the adequacy of detention time. Draw the plan of the water
treatment plant.
12. With the help of the diagram, explain the process of Rapid sand filter
13. Explain the Nalgonda technique of deflouridation by exhibiting its use for an individual rural
14. What is aerator? Explain different type of aerators with sketches.
15. Describe the procedure for removal of iron from raw supplies in rural areas.
16. Explain the ion exchange method of water softening with a sketch. (12)
17. Draw a neat sketch of a rain water harvesting structure and write the problems associated with
operation and maintenance of rain water harvesting structures.
18. Discuss with neat sketches the various types of layout of distribution system
19. What are the different method of analyzing a given distribution system? Explain Hardy Cross method of pipe network analysis
20. What are the points to be considered in the maintenance of distribution system of water supply?
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