Monday, November 23, 2015

COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY,University Of Pune Question Paper,F. Y. B. Com., 2013 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
F. Y. B. Com. Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
(3) Use of map stencils is allowed.
Q.1) Answer the following upto 20 words each : (Any Ten) [20]
(1) What is meant by Environment ?
(2) What is Business Approach ?
(3) Name any two Primary Economic Activities.
(4) What is Solar Energy ?
(5) Define Subsistence Farming.
(6) State any two advantages of Under-population.
(7) Define Renewable Resources.
(8) State any two advantages of Air Transportation.
(9) State any two disadvantages of Waterway Transportation.
(10) What is ‘Tourist’ ?
(11) Write the types of Bar Graphs.
(12) State any two types of Engineering Industries.
(13) What is meant by Choropleth Method ?
[4369]-106 1 P.T.O.
Q.2) Answer the following upto 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
(1) Regional Approach
(2) Determinism
(3) The North-Atlantic Ocean Route
(4) Tourist Industry of India
Q.3) Answer the following upto 150 words each : (Any Two) [20]
(1) Write characteristics of Indian Population.
(2) Give the Geographical Account of Monsoon Forest.
(3) Give an account of Cotton Textile Industry in India.
(4) Explain the importance of Cartographic Diagrams in Commercial
Q.4) Answer the following upto 300 words each : (Any Two) [30]
(1) Explain the factors of Natural Environment.
(2) Give an account of Iron and Steel Industry of India.
(3) Compare various Modes of Transport
(4) Explain main types of Farming.
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