Saturday, November 28, 2015

CORE RUBY,University Of Pune Question Paper,M. C. M. (Semester - II),2012 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M. C. M. (Semester - II) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question Nos. 1 and 7 are compulsory.
(2) Solve any four from Question Nos. 2 to 6.
Q.1) Find the output : (Any Five) [3x5=15]
(a) [‘cat’, ‘dog’, ‘horse’]. each {|name| print name, “ ”}
5.times {print “ * ”}
3.upto (6) {|i| print i}
(‘a’ .. ‘e’). each {|char| print char}
(b) a = [‘ant’, ‘bee’, ‘cat’, ‘dog’, ‘elk’]
puts a[0]
puts a[3]
a[5] = ‘ram’
puts a
[4277]-205 1 P.T.O.
(c) def call-block
puts “Start of Method”
puts “End of Method”
call_back {puts “In the Block”}
(d) 3.times {print “x”}
1.upto(5) . {|i| print i, “ ”}
99.downto(95) {|i| print i, “ ”}
50.step (80, 5) {|i| print i, “ ”}
(e) x = [ ]
x << “good morning”
x = << “good afternoon”
x = << “good evening”
puts x.pop
puts x.pop
puts x.length
(f) Class Allvowels
include Enumerable
@@ vowels = %w {a, e, i, o, u}
def each
@@ vowels. each {|v|. yield v}
x =
x. collect {|i| print i + “x”}
[4277]-205 2 Contd.
(g) def routine (n)
puts n
throw : done if n < = 0
routine (n – 1)
catch (:done) {routine (4)}
Q.2) Write a ruby program to swap the content of 2 text files. [10]
Q.3) Write a ruby program to display balance, use class account with two
methods deposit and with draw accept acocunt_no, account_balance,
cust_name. [10]
(a) When customer deposit amount that account_balance must be
(b) When customer withdraw some amount the account_balance must
be updated.
Q.4) Write a Ruby Program to find the size of file, words, characters with
space, characters without spaces.
# assumptions : the file exist in the same folder as the program. [10]
Q.5) Accept a sentence and replace all capital with lower and lower with
capital and special character with ‘&’.
Input : My email id IS xyz @
Output : MY EMAIL ID is xyz@GMAIL.COM
Q.6) Write a Ruby Program to display where driver is insured as not, input
following variables (name, gender, age, status). Consider following
assumption drivers are inscured in following condition : [10]
(a) Married
(b) Male and age greater than 35
(c) Female and age greater than 25
[4277]-205 3 P.T.O.
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Three) [5x3=15]
(a) Explain different types of Array in Ruby with example.
(b) Exception handling with example
(c) Scope of variables, local, global, class, instance
(d) Ruby Modules
(e) Duck Typing
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