Looking for important questions of CP7019 MANAGING BIG DATA ? You will collect here all important questions of CP7019 MANAGING BIG DATA . Read more details below.
Anna University Exams Nov / Dec. 2015 - Regulation 2013
IUQP Unique Important Questions - 3rd Semester ME / MTECH
1. What is Bigdata? and discuss in detail why big data is more important with real time examples
2. Discuss Bigdata in terms of three dimensions, volume, variety and velocity
3. Discuss Industry Examples of Bigdata in detail
4. Discuss big data in healthcare and medicine
1. Discuss aggregate data model in detail
2. Discuss briefly about key-value and document data model
3. Explain in detail about map-reduce in detail and discuss partitioning and combining
4. Discuss Master slave and peer-peer replication in in detail
3. Discuss graph databases and schema less databases in detail
1. Discuss the design of Hadoop distributed file system and concept in detail
2. Discuss serialization in detail
3. Discuss Hadoop Streaming with RUBY and PYTHON Programming Language
4. Discuss in detail how to read and write data in HADOOP Using Java Interface
5. Discuss Avro in detail
1. Discuss YARN (Mapreduce 2) in detail with failures in classic Map-reduce
2. Discuss Map reduce job scheduling in detail with neat diagram
3. Discuss in detail about Mapreduce suffie and sort in detail
4. Explain briefly about Input Format and Output format in detail
1. What is Hbase? Discuss in detail the data model and Implementation Aspect
2. Explain Pig data Model in detail and Discuss how it will help for effective data flow
3. Elaborate on HivQL data manipulation queries in detail
4. Explain Cassandra data model in detail and discuss how it will help for effective data flow.
Anna University Exams Nov / Dec. 2015 - Regulation 2013
IUQP Unique Important Questions - 3rd Semester ME / MTECH
1. What is Bigdata? and discuss in detail why big data is more important with real time examples
2. Discuss Bigdata in terms of three dimensions, volume, variety and velocity
3. Discuss Industry Examples of Bigdata in detail
4. Discuss big data in healthcare and medicine
1. Discuss aggregate data model in detail
2. Discuss briefly about key-value and document data model
3. Explain in detail about map-reduce in detail and discuss partitioning and combining
4. Discuss Master slave and peer-peer replication in in detail
3. Discuss graph databases and schema less databases in detail
1. Discuss the design of Hadoop distributed file system and concept in detail
2. Discuss serialization in detail
3. Discuss Hadoop Streaming with RUBY and PYTHON Programming Language
4. Discuss in detail how to read and write data in HADOOP Using Java Interface
5. Discuss Avro in detail
1. Discuss YARN (Mapreduce 2) in detail with failures in classic Map-reduce
2. Discuss Map reduce job scheduling in detail with neat diagram
3. Discuss in detail about Mapreduce suffie and sort in detail
4. Explain briefly about Input Format and Output format in detail
1. What is Hbase? Discuss in detail the data model and Implementation Aspect
2. Explain Pig data Model in detail and Discuss how it will help for effective data flow
3. Elaborate on HivQL data manipulation queries in detail
4. Explain Cassandra data model in detail and discuss how it will help for effective data flow.
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