Important Questions of CS6301 PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES II are uploaded here. Those who are looking for important questions of CS6301 PDS II, can make use these questions to prepare their exams. The exam commences on 30th November 2015 by Anna University Chennai. If you are not looking for these study materials, then search your needs through a search box provided above.
Anna University Chennai
Third Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Common to Information Technology)
(Regulation 2013)
November / December 2015 Important Questions
1. Explain the C++ Programming features
2. Write a program to open multiple files for writing and reading contents of file. Use eof( ) function & also Explain File Opening Modes
3. (i) What are the differences between pointer to constant and constant pointers? Give an example program and explain it. (10)
(ii) Explain the role of this pointer with a suitable program. (6)
4. Explain the friend Functions & Destructors
5. (i) Explain how memory is dynamically allocated and recovered in C++? Illustrate with an example program. (8)
(ii) List the rules associated with Operator overloading? What are the operators that cannot be overloaded? Write a program to overload any one of the binary operators. ( 8)
6. Explain the Constructors with arguments, & overloading constructors
7. Explain the Static Private Member Function & Static Public Member Variable
8. Explain the overloading binary operators with example program
9. (i) Write a program to implement stack operations using class template. ( 8)
(ii) Write a template function to sort the elements of an array. (4)
(iii) What is an exception? Explain how the control is transferred and handled in C++ programs. (4)
10. Explain the Inheritance Types With Example Programs
11. Explain the Accessing Private Members With Pointers
12. Explain The Various Member Functions of String Class.
13. Explain The Overloading Of Template Functions
14. Explain the member function templates outside class
15. Explain the overloading with friend function with example program
16. Construct AVL tree with insert following elements 14, 17, 11, 7, 53, 4, 13, 12.
17. (i) Construct an AVL tree with the values 3. 1. 4, 5. 9, 2, 8. 7. 0 into an initially empty tree. Write the code for inserting into an AVL tree. (10 Marks)
(ii) Construct a B-Tree with order m = 3 for the key values 2. 3, 7, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 1 and delete the values 4 and 6. Show the tree in performing all operations. (6)
18. Explain the B-Tree with routines.
19. Explain Double Rotation in AVL trees
Anna University Chennai
Third Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Common to Information Technology)
(Regulation 2013)
November / December 2015 Important Questions
1. Explain the C++ Programming features
2. Write a program to open multiple files for writing and reading contents of file. Use eof( ) function & also Explain File Opening Modes
3. (i) What are the differences between pointer to constant and constant pointers? Give an example program and explain it. (10)
(ii) Explain the role of this pointer with a suitable program. (6)
4. Explain the friend Functions & Destructors
5. (i) Explain how memory is dynamically allocated and recovered in C++? Illustrate with an example program. (8)
(ii) List the rules associated with Operator overloading? What are the operators that cannot be overloaded? Write a program to overload any one of the binary operators. ( 8)
6. Explain the Constructors with arguments, & overloading constructors
7. Explain the Static Private Member Function & Static Public Member Variable
8. Explain the overloading binary operators with example program
9. (i) Write a program to implement stack operations using class template. ( 8)
(ii) Write a template function to sort the elements of an array. (4)
(iii) What is an exception? Explain how the control is transferred and handled in C++ programs. (4)
10. Explain the Inheritance Types With Example Programs
11. Explain the Accessing Private Members With Pointers
12. Explain The Various Member Functions of String Class.
13. Explain The Overloading Of Template Functions
14. Explain the member function templates outside class
15. Explain the overloading with friend function with example program
16. Construct AVL tree with insert following elements 14, 17, 11, 7, 53, 4, 13, 12.
17. (i) Construct an AVL tree with the values 3. 1. 4, 5. 9, 2, 8. 7. 0 into an initially empty tree. Write the code for inserting into an AVL tree. (10 Marks)
(ii) Construct a B-Tree with order m = 3 for the key values 2. 3, 7, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 1 and delete the values 4 and 6. Show the tree in performing all operations. (6)
18. Explain the B-Tree with routines.
19. Explain Double Rotation in AVL trees
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