Monday, November 23, 2015

DEFENCE BUDGETING, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT PAPER - I,F. Y. B. Com.,2013 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
F. Y. B. Com. Examination - 2013
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer in 20 words each : (Any Ten) [20]
(1) Define Defence Budgeting.
(2) State any two Powers of the Parliament in relation to the Armed
(3) Write any two functions of the Territorial Army.
(4) What do you mean by Counter Intelligence ?
(5) Write the meaning of Civil Defence.
(6) Define Sea-power.
(7) State meaning of Defence Mechanism of the Indian Armed
(8) What do you mean by Perspective Defence Planning ?
(9) State meaning of Threat Perception.
(10) State meaning of Second Line Defence.
(11) Write any two functions of Home Guards.
(12) State any two functions of Coast Guards.
(13) Write meaning of War Potential.
Q.2) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
(1) Explain the Powers of the President in relation to Armed Forces.
(2) Explain the Organisational Structure of Indian Army.
(3) Explain Characteristics of Artillery.
(4) Discuss the role of Engineers in National Defence.
Q.3) Answer in 150 words each : (Any Two) [20]
(1) Explain the Development of Indian Air-force after Independence.
(2) Discuss the functions of Intelligence in National Defence.
(3) Explain the role and limitations of Territorial Army.
(4) Explain various types of Battle Ships in Indian Navy.
Q.4) Answer in 300 words each : (Any Two) [30]
(1) Write a note on the Development of Indian Military Power after
(2) Discuss the role and limitations of Indian Navy in maintaining
India’s National Security.
(3) Explain the relations between Parliament and India’s Armed
(4) Write a note on ‘Present Status of Indian Army’.
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