Looking for Digital Logic and Computer System Architecture BCA Assam University Model Previous Years Question Papers ? You can here find one of the question paper appeared in the year 2007. It's BC first paper named BCA-101.
NTS-07/ BCA-1 /386
Assam University
2007 Question Paper
First Paper (BCA-101)
(Digital Logic and Computer System Architecture)
TDC Part-I
Full Marks : 70
Pass Marks : 21
Time : 3 hours
The figure in the margin indicates full marks for the questions
Use separate answer booklet for separate Group
(Digital Logic)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 10
Answer one question from each Unit
1. What is multivibrator? Briefly explain the different types of multivibrator. 7
2. Explain the characteristics of a semiconductor diode with a neat diagram. 7
3. Given the following Boolean function:
(a) Obtain the truth table of the function.
(b) Simplify the function to a minimum number of literals
(c) Realize the function F using NAND gate. 2+2+3=7
4. What is don’t care condition? Find the Boolean function with minimum number of literals
for the following Boolean expression using K-map:
F (A, B, C, D) = pM (4, 5, 6,7, 8, 12)
D ( 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 14)
5. Design a BCD to Excess -3 code converter.
6. A combinational circuit is defined by the following three Boolean functions. Design the
circuit with a decoder and external gates:
F1 = x'y'z' + xz
. F2 = xy'z' + x'y
F3 = x'y'z + xy
7 A sequential circuit has two flip-flops (A and B), and one input x. It is described by the
following flip-flop input functions:
JA = B, JB = x'
KA = B x', KA = A (+) x
(a) Draw the logic diagram of the circuit.
(b) Derive the state table for the circuit.
(c) Draw the state diagram. 2 + 3 +2 = 7
8. What is race around condition? Explain with diagram the working of JK flip-flop. 2 + 5 = 7
9. Design a synchronous BCD counter with JK flip-flop. 7
10. Write short notes on the following : 7
(a) Read Only Memory (ROM)
(b) Shift Register
(Computer System Architecture)
Full Marks : 35
Pass Marks : 11
Answer one question from each Unit
11. (a) What is register transfer language? 2
(b) How is information transfer achieved between different registers and memory units in
the digital computer? 5
12. Briefly describe the functions of computer registers. 7
13. What is program loop? Write a program in assembly language to multiply two positive
numbers. 1 + 6 = 7
14. Discuss in detail the tasks that must be performed by the assembler during the translation
process. 7
15. State different addressing modes with examples. 7
16. Write a program to evaluate the arithmetic statement
X = A * B + C * (D + E / F)
(a) using a general register computer with two-address instruction;
(b) using an accumulator type computer with one-address instruction. 7
17. Explain the hardware implementation of signed-magnitude addition and subtraction. 7
18. Discuss in detail the Booth multiplication algorithm. 7
19. State and explain memory hierarchy. 7
20. Explain with a neat diagram the functions of DMA controller. 7
NTS-07/ BCA-1 /386
Assam University
2007 Question Paper
First Paper (BCA-101)
(Digital Logic and Computer System Architecture)
TDC Part-I
Full Marks : 70
Pass Marks : 21
Time : 3 hours
The figure in the margin indicates full marks for the questions
Use separate answer booklet for separate Group
(Digital Logic)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 10
Answer one question from each Unit
1. What is multivibrator? Briefly explain the different types of multivibrator. 7
2. Explain the characteristics of a semiconductor diode with a neat diagram. 7
3. Given the following Boolean function:
(a) Obtain the truth table of the function.
(b) Simplify the function to a minimum number of literals
(c) Realize the function F using NAND gate. 2+2+3=7
4. What is don’t care condition? Find the Boolean function with minimum number of literals
for the following Boolean expression using K-map:
F (A, B, C, D) = pM (4, 5, 6,7, 8, 12)
D ( 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 14)
5. Design a BCD to Excess -3 code converter.
6. A combinational circuit is defined by the following three Boolean functions. Design the
circuit with a decoder and external gates:
F1 = x'y'z' + xz
. F2 = xy'z' + x'y
F3 = x'y'z + xy
7 A sequential circuit has two flip-flops (A and B), and one input x. It is described by the
following flip-flop input functions:
JA = B, JB = x'
KA = B x', KA = A (+) x
(a) Draw the logic diagram of the circuit.
(b) Derive the state table for the circuit.
(c) Draw the state diagram. 2 + 3 +2 = 7
8. What is race around condition? Explain with diagram the working of JK flip-flop. 2 + 5 = 7
9. Design a synchronous BCD counter with JK flip-flop. 7
10. Write short notes on the following : 7
(a) Read Only Memory (ROM)
(b) Shift Register
(Computer System Architecture)
Full Marks : 35
Pass Marks : 11
Answer one question from each Unit
11. (a) What is register transfer language? 2
(b) How is information transfer achieved between different registers and memory units in
the digital computer? 5
12. Briefly describe the functions of computer registers. 7
13. What is program loop? Write a program in assembly language to multiply two positive
numbers. 1 + 6 = 7
14. Discuss in detail the tasks that must be performed by the assembler during the translation
process. 7
15. State different addressing modes with examples. 7
16. Write a program to evaluate the arithmetic statement
X = A * B + C * (D + E / F)
(a) using a general register computer with two-address instruction;
(b) using an accumulator type computer with one-address instruction. 7
17. Explain the hardware implementation of signed-magnitude addition and subtraction. 7
18. Discuss in detail the Booth multiplication algorithm. 7
19. State and explain memory hierarchy. 7
20. Explain with a neat diagram the functions of DMA controller. 7
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