Do you want to have Gulbarga University Old Question Papers for B.Ed course ? Look at this page where you will find one of the question paper asked in 2009. This exam paper is titles as Eda-11:Educational and Vocational Guidance for B.Ed education. It's second semester exam in GU.
Gulbarga University Previous Question Paper
38 ED IIS (436) I-2K9
B.Ed. II Semester Degree Examination
Eda-11:Educational and Vocational Guidance
Time : 2 Hours Marks : 40
Instructions : 1) From Section 'A' answer all questions about three pages.
2) From section 'B' answer any two questions of one page.
SECTION – A [30]
1. a) What is Guidance? How guidance help in planned utilization of man-power.
b) Explain the nature concept and types of counseling.
2. a) Distinguish between guidance and counseling. What are the qualities and qualification of a counselor?
b) What is an aptitude? Discuss the place of aptitude test in guidance.
2. a) Write the needs of Environmental data service. How is it useful in guidance work?
b) Explain the meaning and nature of counseling.
1. Discuss the special needs for Guidance in Secondary School.
2. Define educational guidance. What is its scope?
3. Write short notes on :
a) Auto biography.
b) Follow-up service.
4. Differentiate between directive and non-directive counseling.
Gulbarga University Previous Question Paper
38 ED IIS (436) I-2K9
B.Ed. II Semester Degree Examination
Eda-11:Educational and Vocational Guidance
Time : 2 Hours Marks : 40
Instructions : 1) From Section 'A' answer all questions about three pages.
2) From section 'B' answer any two questions of one page.
SECTION – A [30]
1. a) What is Guidance? How guidance help in planned utilization of man-power.
b) Explain the nature concept and types of counseling.
2. a) Distinguish between guidance and counseling. What are the qualities and qualification of a counselor?
b) What is an aptitude? Discuss the place of aptitude test in guidance.
2. a) Write the needs of Environmental data service. How is it useful in guidance work?
b) Explain the meaning and nature of counseling.
1. Discuss the special needs for Guidance in Secondary School.
2. Define educational guidance. What is its scope?
3. Write short notes on :
a) Auto biography.
b) Follow-up service.
4. Differentiate between directive and non-directive counseling.
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