Tuesday, November 10, 2015

EDM-IX/X CCM of Teaching History and Civics B.Ed Gulbarga University 2010 Question Paper

Looking for Gulbarga University B.Ed Model Question Papers / Previous Years Question Papers? You can find previous year question paper of Gulbarga University for B.Ed degree course here. 2010 Question Paper is given here. Read more details about this question paper, EDM-IX/X:CCM of Teaching History and Civics and download it.

Gulbarga University
38 ED IIS (433) I-2K9
B.Ed. II Semester Degree Examination
EDM-IX/X:CCM of Teaching History and Civics
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) Answer the question as per instruction given under each section.
2) Write section and serial No. of the question.

I. Answer four of the following questions in about two to three pages each. [40]
1. a) Describe the intellectual causes for outbreak of French Revolution of 1789.
b) What are the principles of selection of content for history in secondary stage?
2. a) Critically evaluate the text book in history prescribed for standard VIII/IX in Karnataka keeping in view the qualities of good textbook.

b) What is correlation? How do you correlate history with geography and civics?
3. a) How do you cultivate time sense in history? Explain with example.
b) Explain the need and importance of history room. How do you equip it?
4. a) Discuss the place of history and civics in school curriculum.
b) What are the characteristics of technique of evaluation?

II. Answer any five of the following in one page each. [25]
1. Importance of local history.
2. Importance of the regressive method.
3. Merits and demerits of biographical approach.
4. How do correlate history with literature?
5. Advantages of supplementary reading.
6. Merits and demerits of the oral test.
7. Contributions of Bahmani Sultans.
8. Characteristics of good history and civics textbook.

III. Answer any five of the following questions in about half to three fourth of a page each. [15]
1. Write the importance of models.
2. Importance of national history.
3. What are the limitations of essay test?
4. List out the characteristics of good map.
5. Concept of social science.
6. Types of correlation.
7. Importance of excursion.
8. Merits of objective test.
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