Searching for Tumkur University Old Question Papers ? You will here download Tumkur University BA / B.Sc / B.S.W / BCA / B.Com / BBM Question Paper of Environmental Studies May June 2011 Question Paper. It's II Year 4th Semester exam of Environmental Studies in Tumkur University.
Question Paper Code : 10902
Tumkur University Question Paper
II/IV Semester B.A./B.S.W./B.Sc./B.C.A./B.Com./B.B.M.
Examination, May/June 2011
(Semester Scheme)
Environmental Studies
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks :90
Instructions : 1)Answer all Sections.
2)Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
3)Answer should be completely either in Kannada or in English.
I. Answer any ten of the following: [MARKS 20]
1) What is Biosphere ?
2) Classify Natural Resources with examples.
3) What is soil erosion ?
4) What are Heterotrophs ?
5) What is Ecological Succession ?
6) Define Hot-Spots. Mention important hotspots in India.
7) What is conservation Biodiversity?
8) What is Pollution? Mention its types.
9) What are floods ?
10) What is green house effect ? Give two reason.
11) Define Westeland.
12) Expand HIV and AIDS.
II.Answer any five of the following: [MARKS 25]
1) Define Dam. Mention any four important benifits of Dam.
2) What are the effects if air pollution ?
3) List the basic reasons for the extinction of wild life.
4) Define "Ecological Pyramid". Explain any one with the help of neat diagram.
5) Discuss the problems of pollution in the Ganga river.
6) Write the advantages of rain water harvesting.
7) Discuss value based environmental education.
III.Answer any three of the following: [MARKS 45]
1) Write a short notes on:
a) Landslide
b) Desertification
c) Drought
2) Explain Aquatic Ecosystem.
3) Explain Ex-situ conservation.
4) Write notes on:
a) Cyclones
b) Earthquake
c) Tsuanamis
5) Discuss the problems of energy crisis both in urban and rural areas.
Question Paper Code : 10902
Tumkur University Question Paper
II/IV Semester B.A./B.S.W./B.Sc./B.C.A./B.Com./B.B.M.
Examination, May/June 2011
(Semester Scheme)
Environmental Studies
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks :90
Instructions : 1)Answer all Sections.
2)Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
3)Answer should be completely either in Kannada or in English.
I. Answer any ten of the following: [MARKS 20]
1) What is Biosphere ?
2) Classify Natural Resources with examples.
3) What is soil erosion ?
4) What are Heterotrophs ?
5) What is Ecological Succession ?
6) Define Hot-Spots. Mention important hotspots in India.
7) What is conservation Biodiversity?
8) What is Pollution? Mention its types.
9) What are floods ?
10) What is green house effect ? Give two reason.
11) Define Westeland.
12) Expand HIV and AIDS.
II.Answer any five of the following: [MARKS 25]
1) Define Dam. Mention any four important benifits of Dam.
2) What are the effects if air pollution ?
3) List the basic reasons for the extinction of wild life.
4) Define "Ecological Pyramid". Explain any one with the help of neat diagram.
5) Discuss the problems of pollution in the Ganga river.
6) Write the advantages of rain water harvesting.
7) Discuss value based environmental education.
III.Answer any three of the following: [MARKS 45]
1) Write a short notes on:
a) Landslide
b) Desertification
c) Drought
2) Explain Aquatic Ecosystem.
3) Explain Ex-situ conservation.
4) Write notes on:
a) Cyclones
b) Earthquake
c) Tsuanamis
5) Discuss the problems of energy crisis both in urban and rural areas.
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