Sunday, November 22, 2015

Final Year B. Pharmacy,2013 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,4.6 : PHARMACOGNOSY – III,

University Of Pune Question Paper
Final Year B. Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicates full marks.
3) Answers for two Sections should be written in two separate
answer sheets.
1. Describe systematic pharmacognostic study of Opium. 10
Classify Flavonoids. Explain Chemistry of each class and general biosynthetic
pathway. 10
2. Solve any three : 15
1) Write in detail cultivation and collection of Ergot.
2) Write the chemical test for
A) Cinchona
B) Ipecac
3) Draw neat labelled diagram of T.S. of Rauwolfia. Discuss its microscopic
4) Discuss in detail Gulwel and Bhuiamla as a drug of traditional system of
3. Write short notes on (any three) : 15
1) Ginko
2) Plant allergens
3) Anti- inflammatory agents of marine sources
4) Pilocarpus
[4355] – 406
4. Enlist various parameters recommended by WHO for quality control of herbal
drugs. Elaborate on moisture content and pesticide residue. 10
Discuss the application of chromatographic technique in evaluation of herbal
drugs. 10
5. Solve any three : 15
1) Define herbal drug interaction and explain toxicity and interaction of Cannabis.
2) Write extraction process and general characterization of Eugenol.
3) Write method of preparation of Asava and Arishta. Enlist its evaluation parameters
and marketed preparations.
4) Describe structural elucidation of Atropine.
6. Write short notes on (any three) : 15
1) Digitalis toxicity and interaction.
2) Regulations for import and export of herbal products.
3) Preliminary Phytochemical investigation.
4) Herbal skin care products.
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